Can we get account wide ignore?

So I guess if we can kick out intruders with a baseball bat, we shouldn’t need to lock the door?


sounds like a good conclusion to me, thanks for sharing bud.

Even if they don’t do btags, they need to change the system. Let us make a username for the forums and just let us switch our character portrait. This each character is an account system is just not it.


but i, as well as many others, really enjoy the current format.

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So it obviously makes sense that any intruder should be able to walk in the front door and do whatever they want in your house until you realize they are there.

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I think it’s been made abundantly clear that no one really cares what you think.


Not even they do considering they disagree with themselves

The best thing would be everyone finally stop taking the bait


That’s been happening to me before. I vaguely recall putting some people on ignore and setting it for about a year, but felt like it fell off a lot sooner than I was expecting. (Unless it really has only been a year and woah tine flies)

Didn’t feel like that though. Forums are so botched that I went back and just set it to forever even though i don’t like doing that lol (like to give people a chance to grow & maybe for my part was just having a bad day and took something the wrong way when i didn’t need to, who knows)

On the plus side, ignored users just disappear now. in the past you could still see when an ignored poster posts but it just hid it behind a click so you have to click their post to open it and read what they say.

Though this didn’t do anything except consolidated every ignored user with a big ol bullzeye on their profile that said “CLICK ME” which made it really hard to actually ignore people lol. Especially if you’re a lil OCD like I am.

But happy to report that, at least for this thread, I don’t see anything anymore. It’s kinda nice to have all the drama noise simmer down and helps mellow out this place a bit, and I do appreciate that.

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it does, very much so, yes

Offering my support for account wide ignore :slight_smile: I would also like to offer some more suggestions.

  1. Battletags or a forum username. Let us have one singular name but let us change our character. That way, you can use whatever character you want but you can’t pretend to be someone else and everyone will know it’s still you. This will keep your post count, your ignore list and your forum level.

  2. If someone is ignored, your profile should be hidden to them so they can’t see your post history and follow you from thread to thread. They shouldn’t be allowed to reply to you directly and/or you shouldn’t be notified when they do.

  3. Give us forum themes for each xpac that we can choose from.

  4. Let us have a friend’s list and DMs, but add an option to restrict those DMs to friends only. Obviously, people you have ignored can not add or DM you.

  5. A short “about me” box on your profile that people can put whatever they like in.

Just a few things I would personally like to see implemented on the forum :dracthyr_nod:

I hope you all have a great day :heart_decoration:


Misuses forum privileges just like sockpuppet posting can be used.

(Are you kidding me? - #16 by Vrakthris):


you can already hide your profile now under the current setup, though.

Part of life man. I get rejected all the time, doesn’t stop me. Get some thicker skin.


I think Blizzard does too as they support us with their continued absence from supporting pro account wide ignores or Btag wide ignores.

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You act as if they’ve come out and said they support anonymous posting. It’s already been proved a few times in this thread that they are working on changing the forums, that they aren’t fond of how the character-account system works and that they are working on making the forums more like every other blizzard forum - i.e. with battle tags.

Just because they haven’t entered the thread to support it or have been silent does not mean they agree with you or your argument. It takes time to do and the forums are likely on the bottom of their to-do list.


If this is in reference to Vraks post he said changes to forum, no mention of Btags. I should also point out that he’s support staff, not design or development.

I’d wager he officially has no idea what’s going on either.

Well we don’t know.

In either case, no argument presented will make them budge any faster in an official capacity.

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blizzard has been known to come into threads though, especially threads that get as big as this.

so i believe that since we havent seen blizzard make an appearance in this thread is quite telling, don’t you think?

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Daily support for
:white_check_mark: account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: account wide flags
:white_check_mark: account wide likes
:white_check_mark: account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: account wide pickles and taco’s on tuesdays.


So how long til this thread gets blamed for that other thread?


Dunno, but I’ve said what I decided to say, and muted the thread. This time, I’m not engaging with it, especially with the toxicity the OP has, and several others in that sort of topic.

I’ll be the good girl, and just let moderation deal with the thread and the users, and not engage at all.