Can we get account wide ignore?

Who knows I think at the end it was starting to go off topic so that’s probably why.

But hey it’s there and I got to voice my suggestion and feedback and, even though I don’t agree with what was said by some posters (including someone that called it unnatural even though it is a natural thing and others that just trolled the thread), some other posters go to relay feedback too .

We’ll see how it goes.

Don’t know don’t care tbh. I got to voice my opinion and it’s still there. Besides it was like 1000 posts + so plenty of feedback, good or bad.


The person that closed it has to pluck chin hairs?

Oh no, I’m gonna get a vacation.

guess it was too controversial.

You know what the first 3 letters of assume are, right?


probably just an unpopular topic

You are not a mod. I’m not a mod. No idea why it was locked.

You can assume but again, what are the first 3 letters of assume?


it seems that alot of people didn’t like the topic.

At some point you really gotta stop taking the bait


Yeah I know. It’s frustrating.

Side note apparently normal ignore is having issues and people that were on people’s ignore are falling off. I saw someone else mention in a thread (I forgot who or where) and that’s pretty frustrating itself.

I had them on ignore, twice, and they keep going off of it.


i dont see anyone else having that issue, though.

Ok put them on one more time and hopefully it sticks. I didn’t put it on forever this time just for 1 year.

Hopefully that works. Idk why they keep going off it. 3rd time is the charm I suppose


does your browser delete its cache because i think that’s where that info saves at and deleting it would reset it

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I have to reset it for work sometimes so that may be it.

Ug that’s annoying.


Battletags. Though Blizzard can tell when people are taking advantage of the current paradigm to influence and skew poll results, and they discard subsequent votes from a single account. They are aware of the actual poll results after accounting for repeated votes, even if they don’t display the accurate poll results after the fact.


The reason I am against account wide ignores is because it will reveal who my alts are to someone, and I don’t want that, people will call-out people’s alts, they don’t just ignore and move on like you think, society has become too vindictive for that,

People will misuse their privileges on the internet unfortunately.

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I wouldn’t worry about that when your writing is also a dead giveaway.


yes this is the main reason i don’t want account wide ignores.

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So to be clear

You expect someone to send tens of thousands of hours to scan the entire forums with just you on ignore for the off chance they find a single alt of yours?


well if you have that, why would you need account wide ignore?

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I mean.

To be fair.

If it’s their intent to hide which alts are theirs because they want to troll the same threads with multiple alts to appear to be more people who agree with them, or poke at people who have them on ignore, then yes, they’d be found out really quickly :dracthyr_tea: