Can we get account wide ignore?

prepares for the 500 blowout bananza

I gave my 2 cents on the topic and the uh, history of it

Im sure I’ll have somebody yell at me for posting in that thread, like the people in there having been spamming nonsense in here for how long


And by that it was one person losing their mind over facial hair like that’s wild


Heck yea, you know it

They might well change their mind if this global forum drama keeps going.

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that is very true.

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That’s fair. It was one person then it went to another one that went on a tangent about lore or something.

Was wild.


Lith, if Blizzard does make it easier to be anon, there would be no online safe space for LGBTQ+ on the forums, because people on the anon side can just be bigoted towards them and they won’t suffer any consequences because you’ve protected them with “muh privacy”.


Here posting my support once again for:

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


Not surprising to see Ard’s nonsense is continuing. “Oh them doing absolutely nothing means they’re supporting our view, and that employee who may not work for the department implementing forum changes definitely doesn’t know anything either”

Another case of projecting what they want and being…well, ridiculous, to boot.

Also, siding with people who are obviously trolling (and I’m pretty sure Ard knows it) “just because” - makes you look incredibly foolish.


Good morning.

Continuing daily support for account wide forum stuff.

Have a good one.



My son wishes to see the garbage truck today but I don’t think that is going to happen before he needs to get to school.

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


I do admit, I’ve grown up with the internet, so when someone anonymous says something bigoted or nasty, I don’t react, if anything I laugh it off because I just think it’s funny, obviously I am not saying this is necessarily the correct and only approach, but I do think some people should loosen up to some degree,

For me insulting comments only hurt if it actually become personal, as in they know the real me and I know the real them, though I do admit I’ve been pushed to the point to take a break from this thread a few times due to false accusations of me being homophobic, racist and other rubbish,

I think social media companies just need to enforce their rules more, I remember in the old MSN chat rooms you used to get auto kicked from the rooms if you said something offensive to gay people or spouted religious bigotry, those days were much better,

Either way, I have heard people say ‘less work for mods’ over 100 times, thing is, I am definitely not a fan of encouraging internet communities to ‘police themselves’, there always need to be someone with a high degree of professionalism running the show in my humble opinion, sadly it’s human nature to target and ostracize people they don’t like, and blame the person on top of that,

In my opinion that kind of thing isn’t nice.

If only he was a boggart and we could use that spell to really laugh at him.

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Well what we can see was that Blizzcon 2024 was recently canceled.

I’m sure they have legitimate reasons for doing this but…if they can’t keep up these events then objectively speaking they have bigger problems than improving forum moderation for one game.

I would like to add another suggestion to this. Given the fact that mods are spread so thin, I’d like to suggest opening up mod applications (please read everything before you yell at me about how this is a bad idea.)

First, I suggest adding a mini-mod or trial mod role. They don’t have ALL the powers of modding, just the less impactful ones. Have a mod check on them and have the community offer anonymous feedback about their behavior. The trial can last for a month or so to see if they work out.

In order to apply, you have to pass a test about the CoC. You also can’t have any history of trolling, abusive behavior or bans.

With what I’ve seen from this community, this could go either way. HOWEVER, I feel like, in the long run, this could be good for the platform.

The poor mods do their best, but there just isn’t enough of them to handle the sheer amount of posts and flags, so stuff slips through the cracks (especially on Sundays.)

There are people who genuinely care about this community and who would be willing to work for free. There are people who have loads of free time and no kids or real commitments to worry about.

Of course, the new mods would have to follow a strict set of rules set down by the current mods. If they break these rules, their mod status is removed.

It’s just a suggestion to try and help the forums be better and help lessen the strain on the mods. Please share your thoughts on this and how we might be able to improve this suggestion c:

Hope you’re all well :heart_decoration: :taco:

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Raises paw

I’m already mini do I become mini mini? I’m not a mod but if I was to be a “mini mod” would I be a double mini?


You would be the mini mini that was posted on discord the other day. The picture where the fox is on their hand and sticking their tongue out? That mini c:


No, I don’t think this will be a good idea and I’m not getting paid to help babysit.

I think just sending feedback through the forum email address is fine.

Power can be abused, just account wide ignore would be good enough.

I know, this is the only forums that makes their jobs harder the way it’s set up from the other Blizzard forums.

It doesn’t have to be btags it can only be only one chosen character to post with, and switching is a 6 month cool down restarting trust level.

Just an alternative option other than Btag, this way it keeps the one option everything including account wide ignore.

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Nah, I do like to switch toons sometimes if for a rate the transmog thread.

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