Can we get account wide ignore?

Back up the 600 odd posts.

No see, I’m asking you here. I’m not going to dredge through hundreds of posts to find it. But regardless, you are miserable to deal with, and I can see why you worry about account wide ignore.


I mean if you just let me have my disagreement then there wouldn’t be anything to argue about.

Me changing my mind isn’t going to make any changes come faster.

“If you let me say whatever I want without reprisal there wouldn’t be an argument”

Uh, duh.

But you say a lot of mean and heinous stuff that gets you put in time out. A lot.

Soooo here we go asking for Account wide ignore and Btags.


I like that they keep pretending to have ever presented one smidgen of evidence that wasn’t just saying “I have decided that because this thing might be possible, no matter how absolutely improbably, that it WILL happen.”


By that logic, what proof does supporters have that account wide ignore will actually work?

I mean, the proof that an ignore should ignore a person being solved by an ignore ignoring a person is pretty obvious.

And not any of your bs distractions like that it needs to create universal peace in the forums or whatever.


If I’m being constantly pulled up for evidence the same should apply to the other side.

Because you are making big claims about stuff that doesn’t really happen on any forum, and we’re just asking for a forum feature to do what its supposed to.

What exactly do you think is needed for someone to prove that wanting an ignore to ignore the account that logs into the forum, not one of its MANY many sub divisions, would not be served by changing that feature.

We can point at examples, including people in this thread, for the problem of people switching characters to evade an ignore to keep talking to people who don’t want to hear them anymore. Can you point to any examples that are not hypothetical of your doomsday predictions?


I don’t see call outs as evidence.

Very convenient that you won’t accept the fact that this is a thing people do to get past the system in place when that’s basically denying any evidence of the problem that needs fixing.


I can only speculate that it isn’t as big an issue as its being made to be.

Otherwise Blizzard would’ve acted by now.

Or they’re doing it their way. Which may leave us all worse off.

imo i just don’t think this is a prio. the whole alt hop was only a big deal with tsquad. everything else is ppl thinking in fear x is y might stem from them bc they were notorious.

plus a blue already said that sock puppets as bad as ppl make it out to be.

blizz ain’t worried abt these forums they barely look at it and if they read how silly this thread is, that’s why they don’t come here often… it’s silly bc it’s grown adults unable to use the ignore feature correctly lol

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I’m kinda wondering if part of the stuff they’re doing for the warbands feature will make it easier to implement on the forums/not worth doing before it releases. With it centralizing a lot more features of our characters that could effect on that kinda stuff


The evidence is evident, with account wide ignore I only have to ignore someone once and then I don’t have to deal with them ever again, rather than seeing them alt hop to try and get around ignores.

With Btags it completely eliminates sock puppets and likes/votes inflation, which we just observed in the voting for tier sets.


Do you mean other than all the other Blizzard forums that operate at the account level? None of them are experiencing, or have ever experienced, the disasters you claim will befall this one.

I’d love for you to explain that, Ard, hopefully before your next forum vacation.


and with this nonsense suggestion im out.

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THeir source


You do know that the mods don’t just do wow forums right ?

They also do all of BLizz’s other forums and have said they know work needs to be done on the forums here but it takes time.

With that said, I can tell you we’re already very much aware of the limitations of the current version of the forums and we want to update them. That isn’t as easily said as done though and “revamping” aesthetics is not at all similar to back-end functionality that was built into these forums which essentially needs to be rebuilt to accommodate new functionality.

EDIT : Sorry Vrak

why do you make such hard assumptions about everything? like why do all of you do this lol. honest question.

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