Can we get account wide ignore?

Hard assumption about what ?

That Ard is a known troll and is being called out about it ?
That no one has a right to be heard by everyone just those that choose to ?
That when you make a statement it falls to you to back it up not for others to prove your point for you ?


I don’t think we will ever get account wide ignore. I think the fact that each alt can post individually is intentional, a feature Blizzard wanted in the forum and sometimes can use to their advantage for PR purposes. But the fact that forum silences are indeed account wide means this could be done using the current backend.

But we aren’t talking about the forums. We’re talking about the GAME. If I ignore someone in-game it should apply to their entire account.

ya but u think everyone is a troll thats not on ur terms so what difference does it make?
i feel like it’ll just not be used right bc iirc u claimed to have be blocked before and are talking to me now.

if the system we have in place isnt being used right, what makes u think the acc wide will?
if im so bad or a troll or w/e then keep me blocked. i just dont get it 1 yr later lol.

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But I mean forums

Oh don’t get me wrong, I think the forums should go by Battletag just like every other Blizzard forum. But I consider that a stretch goal.

The original purpose of this thread was account-wide ignore in-game.

Bruh I made the thread

I always was talking about the forums


I think the forums should just be converted over to battletag like all the other Blizzard forums. That will give account wide ignore as a side effect.

The GAME needs account wide ignore more than the forums do (not saying the forums don’t need it, I just place it at a lower priority).

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No I don’t think everyone is a troll just the obvious ones and I’m not afraid to cal them out on it.

If I thought everyone was a troll I wouldn’t communicate with anyone in the forums .

The system we have right now is the problem so even if you use it as it is right now it is broken .
What we have now is a system where you have to ignore each individual toon a person has and with 3 different versions of said game (Classic Era, Classic WotLK soon to be Cata and Retail) that gives each person up to 160 unique toons they can use in game and in the forums.

When we ignore a person we don’t want to ignore the toon or toons they are on , we want to ignore that person as a whole .

Not because we disagree with said person becasue they have a differing opinion . I welcome differing opinions but they better be ready to back up their claims because if they expect me to show my proof , they better be ready to show theirs.

We want the ability to ignore those people we as individuals deem to be toxic and believe our experience in here would be inproved if we didn’t have to see said person on our screen. What we are asking for in no way silences a person because only BLizz can do that.

In no way is an account wide ignore a violation of a persons to the protection of their free speech and right to be heard because those protections are to only protect the people from their own government.

People think the Bill of Rights is what give us those protections but they are wrong .

Those were a notice to future leaders that these are natural rights and that they were not to mess with them .

I’ve mention this in the past

If you are talking about this thread then yes we are talking about the forums.

This thread is about account wide ignore for the WoW forums.

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Bing dong

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


That is a much nicer image than I would like to post

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I agree we need it in game too, this thread is about the forums. However, there is a thread you can add your voice to for that subject!


No it wasn’t. Go read the OP again.


Account wide ignore doesn’t work in game either for off-server. Nothing works right in this game.

Would be great if moderation actively existed tho

You also have people spreading misinformation like

Which isn’t correct.

Same there. Until Blizz limits something like Hardware or IP to one acc and that isn’t even foolproof

Apologies, but I wasn’t going to read over 9.2k posts and the last edit I assumed would be what the Edit: text is. The system doesn’t explain specifically what was edited.

No I didn’t?

The edit was done the day the thread was made lol

Can literally see people in the first few posts talking about the forums lol


You’re apparently someone who has reverse convos so yea

Do you know what Last Edit means? It means there just may have been other edits as well :open_mouth:


Apologies, but I wasn’t going to read over 9.2k posts and the last edit I assumed would be what the Edit: text is. The system doesn’t explain specifically what was edited. I found a couple of quotes that prove you correct so I’ll fix my post. (Though quite a few early posts were talking about in game ignore which I assume is why the edit was needed.)

Can someone remind me how to ignore when the sockpuppet err… I the person has their profile hidden?

For you specifically, this link should work. Go there and click “Add +” and type in the player’s posting character name and then a dash ( - ) and then their server altogether and it should help you out with finding the right person to ignore :wink:

For anyone else, that link won’t work. But you go to your little icon in the top right of the forums, click on it and go to preferences, then users and you can add them manually!

It’s silly that the ignore system isn’t account-wide. Looking forward to it being updated!


Thank you thank you thank you!!