Can we get account wide ignore?

Should probably use a private form of communication instead of a public forums if you don’t want other people to be able to read it


This sounds like a contradiction to your whole argument.

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we need account wide Lilithia ignore…


No it really doesn’t, at all


So why are you against it there, Ard? Cause you’d be on most’s lists as well?

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I’m convinced that nothing will change.

People will still find ways to fight each other, account wide ignores or not.

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And? How does that, in any way, affect you? If people want to bypass ignore and waste all their money on alt accounts just to post on the forums, let them. Why there are any people against this system is beyond me. The only ones that seem to be against it, are the ones that are going to be affected by it and be the ones to spend all that money.


Oh posters get too upset when I talk about my personal reasons but I can say that overall it would just make the forum worse.

And every time you are tasked with providing proof… you have had your conspiracy theory nonsense shut down to the point you have had temper tantrums about it.


I don’t have to carry an evidence bag with my every comment.

Deflection, you are so bad at it that it exposes how flimsy your arguments were and how easily they were to be systematically dissected and sent to the garbage pail with a Dexter-like efficiency.

Oh and in case you need the crayon explanation:


Well I likely can’t make a thread about being against proposed changes to the forums format without it being shut down so you’re stuck with me here.

Regardless of whether or not I appease your appetite for evidence.

Burden of proof falls to the accuser. Either way, being adamantly against a very much needed feature is questionable, and just tells people you’re scared of it being a thing. Maybe coming with some form of actual argument besides “It’ll be bad, trust me bro” will actually make people discuss. But the 'trust me bro" argument you’ve been trying to use isn’t valid enough.


Okay for what it’s worth I concede in some cases, that ignoring someone completely might be the answer.

But I’ll try one last time to get my point across on what I am trying to convey. I have always said that people that spew racist, sexist or homophobic garbage or whatever well it’s okay to ignore those people, though I have lived long enough to remember a time when people spewing offensive rhetoric was considered normal and even funny, but now of course most Western countries now have an understanding that it is not funny to make jokes at other peoples expense. The point is, we grow and adapt with the times.

But there is a different between justifiably ignoring someone that’s spouting offensive things who has no desire to change, and just giving people the silent treatment in my opinion.

I see it as a method of psychological punishment, and I would argue even manipulation. To me this applies to any relationship, whether it be romantic, friendship, family, coworkers, ad yes, even interactions with strangers. It can be rude, inconsiderate, cruel, and petty, and it’s emotionally (and dare I say even sometimes physically) damaging. In fact, I would go so far as to argue as it qualifies as a form of abuse.

Now I know you are all going to think I am just playing the victim here, but this isn’t just my own experience I am talking about, there’s been research on this. I don’t deny it hurts much more than it’s a friend, or lover that gives me the silent treatment, but here are the questions that I would ask…

1-Are you blaming the person you are ignoring for a problem, that really is a you problem?

2-Are you doing it simply because you want to hurt someone you don’t like?

3-Or is it simply the case that you all think that it’s the right thing to do, or a good thing for the person you are ignoring?

Do you really think it will make someone ‘better’ somehow, or are we just avoiding confrontation or heated arguments? I know I’d be much less hurt if someone told me they were ignoring me simply because they needed space. I just think good communication is so important.

But I think to some degree, you just have to accept some people as they are, we are now a world of many different cultures, genders and whatnot coming together, we should embrace our diversity and accept our differences.

To be clear I am not saying that I think everyone that puts me or anyone else on ignore is a bad person, everyone has their own problems and life can be hard, but here is the thing…

Ostracism (social banishment) is a hard thing to handle psychologically, I grew up in the 90s’/early 2000s where every kids cartoon had a message that it’s okay if you don’t quite fit in, it’s not nice to feel rejected completely by society, it can hurt and do damage,

Did you know also that for some people when they are ignored it can actually trigger the brain telling someone they are actually in physical pain, it’s called the anterior cingulate cortex, and can activate when someone is getting the silent treatment,

Now I know at this if anyone bothers to read this that I am just playing victim, but here is the thing…

You can cause behavior changes, but might not be the behavior changes you want, when someone is constantly second-guessing themselves, doubting themselves it can affect your other relationships, you might start to wonder if some of your other friendships if you are being too needy, or act like someone who isn’t really you, when in my experience all too often a real life friend just wants a hug or whatever,

Anyway I am not saying ignoring someone completely giving the silent treatment is always bad, sometimes it has to be done, I think though that things could be solved with good communication, and when we can talk about things like adults, we are much better off,

Anyway I am doing my best not to take people ignoring me too personally, and not react with anger, in fact I do my best to apologize especially if I find that a certain post has been buried (I do this every single time), but one thing I won’t be doing is continue to react to being ignored, as I realize deep down inside, not everyone in life is going to accept me which is fine,

Just remember we shouldn’t let anyone in life tell us that we don’t matter, as we all matter we are all learning important lessons in life, and all growing, including Blizzard as a company, I stand by the opinion though that we all be better off if take the time to sort through situations and talk things out.

Anyway that’s all for me, I know I’m already on the ignore list of most people that don’t like me anyway, so hopefully the few people that do read will appreciate some of my comments.

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Okay but the difference is that those messages were geared more about if you didn’t follow the trends like wearing the popular clothing, own the hot toy, and such, not being hateful. If people are going to be hateful, they will be blocked.

It’s not hard to not be hateful, not sure why you’re so adamant that you’re being misunderstood, words are being twisted and such. Just accept that most people don’t agree with you on this and it comes down to what Blizz thinks is the answer.

Instead of asking what’s wrong with everyone else when you’re blocked by everyone, maybe take a step back and look at why they are blocking you.


If we’re ignoring you, we are in fact not telling you. Anything.


Promise? I doubt it.


This is a public forum.

Not a court room.

If I want to say what I want or hold what opinion I want then you can’t stop me shrug.

Blizzard can, though, can’t they?


Then why would anyone care what you have to say? It’s not up to us to prove what you say. That’s on you. Account-wide ignore would be the best thing to happen to these forums, as it cancels out the harassers. They can keep making accounts and spending money, and eventually hey will be too broke to keep it up. Where’s your actual reasoning why it is bad?