Can we get account wide ignore?

If you can’t see them, why would it matter to you, let alone bother you?


You got schooled by Vrakthris about this line of garbage already.


They’ll ignore Vrak’s response to them because the truth doesn’t fit their narrative.


Oh, I know that. :grin:


I approve of this saying and would like permission to add it to my vocabulary!


is it really that hard to ignore someone without having them on ignore?

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Where is your evidence?

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if I put someone on my ignore list I want them in the shadow realm unable to talk to me ever again so yes please


Enough with the off-topic vendetta here…


That is a lot of unnesceary work that doesn’t really address the issue.


By all means

As someone that has had to ignore certain people multiple times due to them bypassing my ignores to still interact with me on an alt why are you promoting negative behavior with the 3x or whatever and why are you acting like it actually ignores people where they can’t interact with someone 100% like it does in other places because it doesn’t, that’s the whole point of this thread is to have an account wide ignore system so it’s a one time ignore someone and never have to deal with them ever again.

Add in account wide flags, posts, likes, links, etc. to an account wide ignore system and the forums will be in a much healthier place than they are currently.


Because genious the current Ignore only does it by character . So people can bypass another person’s ignore by switching toons.

Ok are we catching on Einstein ? We want to be able to ignore not just the toon the person is on but the person themself.

Did you catch all that or do we have to repeat it in crayon ?

Note: This message is for Tae


He’s being obtuse on purpose. Not worth the energy anymore, I just flag and move on.


Not the one doing that, now am I?

I’m not, I’m advocating for it to do that though.

Yeah I already asked for that or something similar, but with some additional stuff in there to fix more problems.


Yeah, then you just re-ignore 'em. They have a cap. Lot less effort than posting at them.

I don’t think any place has an IP/Hardware ignore that goes for the person though.

I vote yes on this because it would actually be very pretty if done in different colors of crayons, just saying. Quick edit but there’s only red crayon emoji instead of multiple different colors, how annoying. :crayon: :crayon: :crayon:

Ugh, with the reply I just got now I wish I would of done this instead of writing my reply above.


Well, Chuckles did say use the tools provided.


“Just re-ignome 'em”

Ok what if I just want to ignore the individual’s account and be done with it? no character hopping or anything, one and done thing?


That’s fine, though since it’s not even in game I don’t expect it to pop up here.

I don’t think it would be a one and done thing and as previously mentioned it leaves much to be desired. I want a bit more than just an acc-wide ignore, I’m just pointing out the fallacy of some peoples arguments.

Better moderation, ignore both hiding your posts from the person you ignored and their posts from you would be better options.

As some have argued, yeah some people will ignore others because of misunderstandings or on someone else’s word; but that’s life. That happens anywhere you go and you just have to move past that.

I honestly don’t expect much from the company side fixing things though because even in game ignore doesn’t work right if they’re from another server. Moderation very lacking in both, if everything reported was investigated things would be a lot better. It’s just shocking to me that evading ignore in game to keep messing with someone, big no no. Doing it on the forums, no problem.

Doesn’t help flags/likes being limited to char, Blizz has to know there’s more than a couple posts against the rules up at any given time.
