Can we get account wide ignore?

well this place does provide us a lot of tools


I have no idea what’s going on here, all I know is that I left before Christmas came back and find that Blizz restored one of my posts, but I come back and find that two of my posts have been flagged/buried or whatever…not going to lie, but if you are trying to shut me up, here is the thing that happens in my brain, my brain goes like ‘okay I might cop a suspension, so I better get out everything I need to say before that happens!’

So that’s the mentality I have right now, I know Blizzard have been more than fair. Though it does sound like they do want some change to the forums soon enough. Honestly though, in my opinion, the very frustrating thing about this forum is that when a post is flagged/buried, I don’t get a chance to review the post, to make a personal judgement on whether anything in the post was offensive, or whether or not I should stick to my guns on my convictions.

Anyway, here is the thing about the internet, have you all heard of the online disinhibition effect, thing is people will often say stupid things online, I’ve said/done some things I regret online, and people have been mean to me online too, that’s the reality of the internet, it can be no different to going to the pub and having a vodka or whatever, where you just have no filter and forget the implications of what you are saying and there are real people you are talking to, that’s why I just ignore the trolls that say offensive things most of the time.

The flip side though is that a lot of folk will be more likely to open up to you online if you are nice to them, I remember a church pastor preaching to me how much meaner people can be online and therefore I should avoid it, and I’m like please, has he even seen the clowns that hang around the local bus interchange on a school afternoon? The point is, yeah people will be nasty online and say stupid stuff…but I do admit, for me, sometimes when someone says something stupid online, I often burst out laughing, see it reminds me of the time back in school when some kid would drop the F bomb and the teacher would overhear it, back in those days you knew that foul language was inappropriate, which is what made it funny when someone would break the rules,

So when some troll breaks the forum rules by saying something silly, you know they are going to cop a heavy penalty anyway, so it’s easier to just laugh it off, yeah people are going to say stupid, cruel, offensive things online…

But here is my positive belated Christmas message to you all, that while some people online may hurt your feelings, it’s also much easier to open up to new folk online and make new friendships, as can get the nitty gritty questions about someone, their hopes and dreams out the way quickly, when you meet people in person such things take more time, I once wasted 3 months with someone that I met in person only to find out after 3 months they didn’t share my hobbies and interests at all so had to let them go.

The moral of the story is that yes, people online should follow rules and make some effort to be respectful to others to some degree, but on online forum that’s about discussion where people are going to disagree with one another, there are always going to be situations where people have high tempers, so just ignore the people that offend you, laugh it off in my opinion.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

And a Happy New Year.

There a times I’d love to know what conversation you think you’re replying to with these long paragraphs.

But then I quit while I’m ahead and long for account wide ignore. And Btags. and singular likes/flags.


Theoretically, nobody listens to me or anyone else on this forum…I guess for me it’s all mainly words on a screen, though there are people on the other side of the screen of course, so we have to be respectful to some degree.

The truth of the matter is, that I feel I am resisting the darkness in myself…

It’s very easy to be intolerant and cruel to people we don’t like or don’t understand, I do recall one lady in this thread claimed to be autistic like myself, but I’m old enough to understand that black/white thinking to the point where we don’t see there are morally grey areas in life is not necessarily healthy.

I am not saying we need to put up with offensive or racist trolls though.

I too get hangry.

Correct. Better moderation and tools to let players make mods and themselves lives easier so moss can go after the more glaring issue without the mental load is a great boon for this site.


All I know is whenever I see the “View 1 hidden reply” thing, it’s always lil :thinking: :rofl:

Blizz, time to activate account wide ignore please. Chop chop.


I’ve never understood that. If I ran or owned an internet forum that millions of people used, I would probably get addicted to the power to BAN anyone I didn’t like pretty quickly.

If I was that rich I would not care about a forum other than how it ran.

scrooge mcduck through the cash

Speaking of running, account wide ignore please.


ONE MORE THING, I just remembered in regards to account wide ignore. It should also work account wide of the person putting someone on ignore, I’ve put people on ignore then been incredibly frustrated to discover those ignores are only active on the charcater I did them on, they’re not tied to my account.

Woe to those who have more than one forum character they use in good faith (such as posting in the feedback threads).


I remember back in the day, the forums used to be all about fun, I remember one person used to tell me they literally came to read my post for some lolz before they started work.

Don’t get me wrong, my personal political beliefs are probably quite progressive…but I also believe that at times people take it a little too far, which in my opinion undermines the cause of a more inclusive and diverse society.

I’m still currently waiting for this, since its been lacking for years.

The other Blizzard forums seem to be much easier to moderate since people use a single identity and not multitudes of characters at one persons disposal.

There is chaos in the forums, it may be a playground for people who enjoy chaos, but honestly I want my feedback to be taken seriously by devs instead of them thinking “they are just trolling and.messing around” like some people do with their alt army.

I’m thinking this is why CC was formed, because WoW forums are a joke to devs because of people’s behavior. No other Blizzard game has a CC.

Mods have to moderate other forums other than WoW, it would make their job easier and their e-mails less full of complaints, if we had account wide ignore like the other Blizzard forums do.


Ah, yes. Back in the day, before people took combating bigotry “too far” and the forums were “fun”


If that’s the way you would like to put it, yes.

People were less sensitive back in those days.

Tbh, I think if someone was to make a thread that said “it’s okay to make fun of certain minorities” I would actually burst out laughing because 1-I would know outright that they are trolling and asking to get banned, and 2-I wouldn’t assume he person making such a bigoted statement is actually serious anyway,

You know what I am saying?

We should loosen up a little bit…not too much of course.

Oh, yes. I definitely know what you’re saying.

Do you?


As much as the WoW forums are a mess people should really stop to believe everyone is being disingenuous or a troll. It’s a forum where you discuss things. Just because some people don’t have the same views as you doesn’t automatically make them the bad guy.

These Btag related topics go no where because if one side doesn’t agree, could be any reason, they get blasted. Why discuss if you aren’t gonna listen to anyone else or even come up with a compromise to the issue? We are almost into the next year with us talking about this and it’s just the same spitballing lol.
No one new comes here, the majority of the forum blocked this place off I’m sure lol.

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With all due respect, I need to treat anyone making such statements as 100% serious, because the fact of the matter is that even if some things are generally more acceptable in society now, the proportion of society that says otherwise has amplified itself to a high range that cannot be simply ignored or laughed-off.


This is a forum for the game called World of Warcraft. We don’t care about your political beliefs.


So, your are admitting you are here to troll.


Something I learned a long time ago.

Someone saying sludge because they believe in sludge and someone saying sludge because they think it’s funny, are both saying sludge.

The why is irrelevant.

And with that Lili goes on my ignore.