Can we get account wide ignore?

Just shows you are not reading the the thread, just trolling. I said it a couple of posts above yours. We are using the tools (you are well aware of that from your last response to me). They need improvement and that is what we are asking for.

We are wanting to be able to ignore the player not just the posting character. I know you are gonna ignore that.


“Completely false” is anecdotal, compared to a documented response from CS staff.


If I’m so bad then just block me. I mean, it’s not that hard.


Who says I haven’t, Mr “Trust Me Bro” I don’t need your approval to respond to your diatribes.

And yes, I have been flagging your posts. So yes, I have been using the tools provided.


Because you’re still replying to me… So this proves you aren’t using the system as intended.
Honestly, if you all stopped replying to me, Lith, Ard and the Worgen, whoever then really you’d have you and friends topic to yourself. Why have account wide ignores if you’re gonna un-ignore/block us anyway on repeat?

Yeah, that one stung you for some reason.

Edited because double post.


Because the tools we have don’t work. They just switch to another sock puppet to abuse other posters.


What is stopping you from just not replying to them?

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Nayaga, he’s baiting you. Just report him for trolling.


Not replying to whom when they just switch to another sock puppet.


I know. It’s just another sock puppet trolling.


You’re just assuming I am because I’m asking a legit question. Don’t start hunts please. He can ignore me if he wishes.

Acutally you’re the same one who went to CS to say I’m a stalker… so uh, nevermind.

I can’t ignore you, you’ll just switch to another sock puppet. You don’t have a legit question and when it’s answered you just ignore the truth.

Did you know this is a forum to discuss the game World of Warcraft?


Because the tools we have to ignore only allow us to ignore characters no the person behind the characters.

If I was to ignore Azurrgos you could jump on another toon to bypass my ignore and I would have to ignore that toon separately and then we would go through a cycle of rinse and repeat where you make a new toon and I would have to ignore it.

I and most others here just want to ignore you the person behind Azurrgos and it’s many alts.


You mean War of Forumcraft?
We aren’t even talking about the game lmao.

Anyways I’m out for now (aw), have a good day regardless of our thoughts.

That’s why we want to ignore you and all of your sock puppets. If you don’t even play anymore, why are you here?

I doubt that, you will just switch to another sock puppet to continue trolling.


More fabrications? I never called you a stalker, but I do remember someone else calling you that there.

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Incorrect, as people have proven by continuing to post at those and view the messages of those they claim to have ignored. My suggestion would solve that problem, though.

Coincidentally, they are not CS staff (Which is why the acronym people refer to them as is also different) but have a technically different title. They do not work with tickets or technically not supposed to work with forum moderation.

While not moderation staff, they are still inherently more trustworthy on the moderation process, as they can check and confirm the process.

But… they are quoted as Customer Support in their title on these very forums. So this is an interesting take…


They are a community manager . The go between for the forums and the devs so technically in a way they are moderators .

It’s just that doesn’t fit Tae’s narrative so they just discount that fact


I have and guess what … Your still posting so it hasn’t affected your string if BS at all and neither will account wide ignores.
And I didn’t even have to ungnore you to comment like this, I did it via someone else’s quote. .

My ignoring you and everyone else ignoring you hasn’t affected you at all or your ability to post. So your arguments are null and void

Account wide ignore in 2024!