Can we get account wide ignore?

Once again, people ignoring someone doesn’t prevent them from posting on the forum. Only the forum moderators have that power. And you are asking that they get more involved instead of letting people curate what they want to see only for themselves.

It’s like you picked up the talking point from Ard and ran with it without really understanding it.


It’s very strange that people seem to take not being able to talk to a specific person as an infringement of their rights somehow.


Rights for me but not for thee


My opinion on this has not changed if what someone is saying has validity and the argument has merit that’s all that should matter

If you don’t know how the system works then you don’t know that for a fact.
Fact is a blue has already confirmed that it only takes 1 flag to subject a post to a review.
Multiple flags brings their attention to it quicker.


“My argument doesn’t have to make sense, or be true, or consistent, all that matters is that I said it therefore it has merit.”

No. That’s not how any of this works. An opinion that the sky turns green on Tuesdays isn’t a serious opinion that deserves to be taken seriously, especially when you’re saying it on a Tuesday when anyone can glance outside and confirm that you’re wrong. And also in the same post you’re ranting about how the sky is always blue.

You lose the right to plant your flag on the “all opinions are valid” hill if everyone can see that you’re pulling shenanigans.


I don’t like the direction the world is heading right now,

Centralisation systems can be abused the final say on appropriate discipline for bad behaviour shouldn’t be with the mob but people who have been trained to be impartial,

I can’t help but notice that people in the yes camp have started to call the mods bad at their jobs here, I don’t think that’s helping your case,

Anyway feel free to twist around my statements like people keep doing…


have you ever considered not being bad?


Sometimes I wonder if you actually understand the way that you’re constantly contradicting yourself and you’re just pretty good at presenting yourself as a character who’s completely oblivious to the way that the things that they say have no internal consistency at all, if you’re actually as completely blind to the broken logic, double standards and hypocrisy in your own behavior as you present yourself to be or if you’re just cribbing notes from Ard, seeing how they throw literally anything to the wall in the hopes that it will stick no matter how little sense it makes.

Ultimately, I guess it doesn’t matter. Because you come off like someone who is wrong because of some impairment or lack of ability, I’ve been willing up to a point to entertain the attempt to try and explain why you’re wrong in the misguided hope that you’d look at the way that you are able to say “The sky is blue” and then “The sky is green” in the same sentence sometimes, recognize that your thinking is faulty once someone points it out and course-correct. But if you’re going to dig in and Ard it up, there’s no point.

Into the bin you go!


No. Lilithia says Lilithia is always right and good, and we know this is true because Lilithia says so, and Lilithia is always right.


It’s all rabbit holes… and not even this vulpera would chase those rabbits.


I’m waiting for the complete manifesto to be released any day now



From March 14th 2023

Gutshredda is correct.


No we haven’t .
We have said the current system of every character being it’s own individual account does make it harder for them to do their jobs.

They don’t have to deal with that when dealing with the other Blizzard forums and no the other forums don’t have their own mods . The Mods work on all of Blizz’s forums including WoW.

By simplifying the system so that all of a person’s characters are tied together via ignore feature , flags , likes and posts count will make their job easier to do .

No about Account wide ignores being censorship : It is not as long as Blizz lets you post in here you are not being censored.

Now about thinking that you have a right to make everyone have to read what you say : You don’t , you only have the right to be heard by those that have chosen to do so .

The only right to free speech you have that guarantees that your speech is protected and has to be heard involves governments and not companies or individual people.


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Thanks. I didn’t have the time to go and find the link at the moment.
Gutshredda had to go do Gutshredda things.


Won’t make him be quiet, but it’ll take away one of his talking points. But I’m sure he’ll find something else to kvetch about.


Well… maybe it will come in paperback version so I have my back up TP when the next apocalypse happens.

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