Ok,which is easier then ,in general,in your opinion?
The flagging, because it is at the base of every post. Ignoring is easy, but people do use alts to bypass the ignores to continue with there trolling. Plus, if the person set their profile to private, then you’d have to type it in manually to ignore the person.
A perfect example, T-Squad. You sure to remember that whole incident?
It figures, and no I don’t remember a T-Squad incident where you part of it?
Or you referring to a person with T?
There is a Samuel L Jackson clip I’d love to be able to link here.
Let me explain further in the shortest version. There is one person, who’s character, yes, started with T. They have spammed the forums, with a lot of LGBTQ+ stuff, to the point they were trolling the forums to add so much hate to the LGBTQ+ community. And it got even worse with them, as they them went further, to also impersonate as other forum users, to troll and sockpuppet the forums.
Although the sockpuppeting is not a common occurrence, it isn’t a rare occurrence either. It does happen.
Originally, people started with threads on implementing our BattleTags to the forums, underneath our characters, but threads got closed, delisted or deleted, due to either toxicity from both sides of the argument, or some people were intentionally trolling the threads to get it shut down.
Then we’ve switched to account wide ignores, for those who want to act like there BattleTags are private, and the same people who were against BTags, have been doing the same thing in this thread. One user, who was against BTags, even went to the trouble of creating new, and fresh characters, to bypass the ignores when people placed them on ignores, to continue with the trolling, and in total, between this thread and the BTag threads, they’ve done it about 10 times. Also pulling the same behaviour as the T-Squad of impersonating, when they decided to create a toon with my character name here, and started liking every post.
Now, you think that the accounts should be 2-way, I honestly don’t. I do like the current ignore system the way it functions, the only thing I hate is it just ignores 1 character, rather than the person. And that is all I’m advocating for. It to be account wide. Just like many others in the thread.
I don’t want the ignore to be 2-way, because then that is controlling on others, and could lead to far more problems. I just rather the option to ignore the person, not the character.
There were at least 2.
Nah, I believe it was still just one person.
You sure that ritahayworth was also khorg?
I mean, would you rule it out, since Khrog was a classic toon.
to the dude undead guy who made like 5 posts at me. ty for taking the time to reply but im not gona read all that sorry but thx for letting me know abt the chain/ribbon thing, sincerely.
feel free to reply to this and be snarky lol
the blue mentioned T squad was multiple ppl that wasn’t on the same account i thought. it was just a bunch of trolls following suit
CM’s, Moderators, even Devs, can’t really reveal too much details about accounts. It could’ve been the same person using multiple accounts, it could’ve been different people. We can not fully confirm this, and any of the CM’s won’t reveal this either.
With hidden profiles you have to go in and do it manually with name and server under settings and than users
The forum app is acting funky it won’t let me choose an ignore option other than “later today”. I was hoping to get some of my alts in there and save some time to do the experiment.
One forum identity would be ideal, and should of been a thing long ago when they decided to restart the forums. People wouldn’t have to witch hunt alts if people didn’t bypass ignores or talk to themselves on the forums.
I don’t care for.people in game, I.just don’t want my ignore to be bypassable in the forums.
If I found out your the same person bypassing my ignore, I just report to a mod in silence and not announce it.
I shouldn’t have to.take extra steps to have someone to get off my back.
And I’m a pretty orc, if dye system was a thing for gear I would be a pretty pink orc.
i was trying to find it bc i swear he did mention it but this could be somewhat close to it
Continuing the discussion from The forum still allow sock puppeting:
this isn’t it but just makes me think that the amount of constant accusing is really tiring lol
In all fairness, you, yourself brought it up when you told me “I’m still here”.
your the one whom came here lol
THat’s the thing right there and it goes with your previous part of removing the other ignores. If we remove all our other ignores down to one person we already know who it is so why would we want to check what they have to say .
Also if it is a change in the same topic other then trying to engage a person after being ignored by them or hoping that one would open their post on the new toon in hope of being able to go “See I told you they were going to track our alts” as a baited gotcha momment . There should be no reasons to switch toons in the thread because the person could still interact with those people stil willing to interact with them .
That person says they aren’t one of the other sock puppet bad actors in here and maybe they aren’t but they sure as heck act like one.
#4 in responses to this thread and they aren’t going to comment any more ?
Ok where’s the shovel it’s about to get deep
A persons ability to ignore you is not censorship .
Censorship would be preventing you from speaking in here and only Blizzard can do that.
Individual users do not have that right but they do have the right to determine who they do or do not have to listen too
Changing to another character to have some leverage or creditability on a topic or other things is fine.
Changing to another character to get around an ignore to continue engaging with an individual who has no interest in engaging with you or to continue harassing the individual is NOT fine.
You keep using that word… but you don’t know what it means.
If I ignore you, you still have your ability to post, the only people that can revoke your ability to post is the mods.