Mornin’ folks. How’s the daylight treating everyone? Account wide ignore on sunlight some days does seem like it should be a tool at our disposal. Unfortunately, whether I pull the shades down or not, doggos and the rest of the world want me to be up and functional. Spoilsports.
Oh,so that’s why this threads post immediately attack people coming in, they thought it was T-Squad or similar folks .Really some folk should be aware they may not be .so this thread was suppose to be a private thread to begin with by the sum of the hate,snarkiness to those entering,wow. That explain alot.
Honestly, they don’t know where the ignore feature is but they do know the flag button is at the bottom.
I had too much sun yesterday and wind I’m stay in today not feeling well too cold.
Your posts have been unclear numerous times. I responded based on my best interpretation, and your response to that is to come back with a witty and snide retort implying I don’t understand? This is disrespectful; if you think I misunderstood something, just say “Hey, I was talking about this instead, maybe you misunderstood” and I’d be fine.
Honestly, and respectfully , you proved enough already to me, with triggered fingers just itching to draw.
You might have me sort-of like this right now, because I work from home, but the comment I just replied to was over five hours old. I was asleep at the time, so I wasn’t itching.
I’m not looking to pick a fight, I was simply trying to say that there are better ways to act and actually encourage discussion. If someone misunderstands you, say as much and try to re-explain. It should clear things up.
I ignore with my eyeballs once I’ve had enough. Maybe I should make a TED talk about how that trick works?
Then again, there’s a lot of end user error in that methodology to explain. That would just incite the next megathread debate of “I don’t have to look, you don’t have to look! but no one can make me look at the posts!”
Actually, I think that debate was hinted upon a couple hundred replies above.
I don’t care where you work at nor what you do,that isn’t my concern but I put it out as you post just showed me. I don’t pick fights nor do I back down from the wrongs of the world or dictate to other how ,what or when but I do ask why.
Then, please, de-escalate this.
It’s a trick to get people mad to get anger to slip a word or two to get a getcha moment .this is PR stuff people in business do to play with the costumers psyche.
That there is totally up to you ,dear no one else.
Im not reading 7k posts, but whole heartily support this.
I have tried. You seem to be running counter to my suggestion.
Anyway, to address the original point you went after yesterday, please keep this in mind: On X/Twitter, the ignores take precedence and are two-way until you revoke it. It is abusable because, if someone is posting actionable content about Account A while they are on Account B, and they have Account A blocked? Then Account A has no ability to make the report, even for the types of reports that must originate from the target/victim according to X/Twitter’s policies.
Account A’s user can see the content, if they maintain a logged-out instance of the server and have a link, but otherwise cannot act to address it in the system that they should have access to.
My point was that an implementation of two-way ignore can be abused in such a fashion, and that it would be detrimental.
Probably for the best, There’s a lot of people who want to continue to abuse the current system attempting to hecklers veto the topic.
Hmmmmm… I dunno. I think you might give the business world a lot of undeserved credit, though they do at times manipulate. However, people just like to be mad and disappointed by everything. The rest of the world rarely has to trick us into it. Default human behavior is to look for flaws, so we can feel like we’ve got a worthwhile fix and thus are somehow more advanced than whoever made whatever thing we’re criticizing.
But yer not wrong that people do love getcha moments. If we all got a dime for everytime that came up in our day, we’d be quadrillionaires, rollin’ in the dolla’ bills.
Well, why don’t people ask blizzard for a private thread if it’s that bad of a deal ,than a account wide ignore which seems more of a ban than an ignore,
Just so that we’re all understanding of where you’re coming from, can you elaborate a bit more on how an account-wide ignore would be more akin to a ban?
Why do ask that question when you already know.
I’m asking for clarity. Please don’t be like this.
Be like what? what you wish me to be directed.