The system is not designed for you to harass others, Lilithia. This is the part you seem to do not understand.
That’s actually a great point. You know what would eliminate that, don’t you?
It’s so that you can post on a relevant character when you’re in a class discussion, xmog, race, what have you (which would still be very available with account ignores). Not so that you can dodge ignores to force your garbage opinion on everyone. (not you you, you the trolls, though maybe you are, I dunno)
Well that brings me to a larger point, people are going to have different opinions and controversial opinions on any forum, there are many opinions I disagree with, but that doesn’t mean my opinion is correct and other people’s opinion is incorrect
Maybe so, but I should still have the ability to ignore it if I deem it necessary, and you swapping character removes that ability from me. Ignoring you doesn’t remove your own ability to say your opinion.
There’s already too much censorship of the internet going on these days in my opinion we should start to become more open to listening to other people’s opinions even if we don’t agree with it,
When people listen to what others have to say even if they don’t like it, it makes them feel important and respected, in my opinion even if listening to something we don’t like isn’t fun, it’s often vital to our future,
Sometimes it help us understand something new, teach us patience, and to refuse to listen to views contrary to our own we risk placing ourselves in an echo chamber, I could have given up on this thread a long time ago, as I don’t agree with what the majority of people are saying, but I do accept that are possible benefits to an account wide ignore system even if I am against it due to the negatives,
Let me give an example of this…I don’t want to get political, but if I was to say that I think society is corrupt because of capitalism, well I’m still willing to listen to an advocate for capitalism to listen to the benefits, um maybe some specific wow examples would be like on things like mythic+, player housing, vanilla servers and whatnot,
These things will attract a variety of different opinions, it doesn’t matter if someone thinks an opinion is ‘garbage’, there was a time that people carrying on about vanilla servers were constantly told that their opinion was ‘garbage’ their posts were constantly removed all the time, but eventually those that believed strongly in it were listened to,
To me what is needed on this issue is work out a compromise, one that respects people’s right to privacy but also respects people’s right not to talk to people they don’t want to,
Here is the funny thing is people only seem to pay attention to me when I’m on Lilithia these days, when I log on an alt I tend to get ignored mainly anyway…indifference seems to hurt me more than hatred for some reason lol. But you don’t have to listen to anything I have to say, you can ignore this post completely.
I stopped reading at censorship. This isn’t censorship.
Censorship is Youtube taking a well-established creator off of their platform because Apple paid them to or because the CEO didn’t agree with what the creator said. That affects everyone, whether they wanted to see the creator or not.
Account-wide ignore is just one person not wanting to see what you’re saying. It does not affect everyone and your words still have plenty of reach.
censorship noun
- the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
- (in ancient Rome) the office or position of censor.
Nothing here stating ignore is censoring.
You do not have the right to be heard. People have every right to chose to ignore people, regardless of opinion.
You know I’m sick of this game, I never asked for this thread to happen, also most of your thoughts were unsolicited to me I never asked to hear that, so you know what I’ve decided to do?
I’m going to mute the thread now, bye bye.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
And thank you for your support in proving why account wide ignores are needed.
I’m glad you see the worthiness of the ignore function.
Should’ve seen the pathfinder troll thread Ling. Apperantly, that thread is respectful for them.
I bet you don’t.
Not really,I have half the guys here on ignore i don’t see them you mean flagging a post.oh you do know that ,ok. but ignore completely you can’t but please do hide the fact there are ways to go around this in a group ,run to a discord group and multi-flag because anyone can.
Oh I see you can’t tell the difference between a ignore and a flag??
What a good morning to see a thread it two with people on sock puppets that we could have already ignored their accounts!
It’s a good morning when the title of a thread is a blame gamer ,dang.
I’m sorry, I don’t speak nonsense. Can you repeat it again?
People here just want an account wide ignore, where we can chose to ignore the person, and the person can not use characters to bypass the ignore. That is all we want.
Wasn’t talking to you in the first place but since you’re up
Trigger happy today? If you can’t tell the difference between a ignore and a flag then that’s not my problem but please tell me why .
Oh, I know the difference between an ignore and a flag. I’m not the one flagging people over a disagreement, nor requesting others to flag a post when upset. So, please, do continue.