Can we get account wide ignore?

Sounds like you’re victim shaming…


It was mentioned in a thread asking about a removed pro btag thread where the Blue said the thread wasn’t removed because of the topic but because of how the thread devolved.

They also said they know there is a problem with the current forums and are looking at possibly doing changes but it would take time.

I think I have the post book marked .


I meant this.


Ok sure enough I did save the thread

Editt: Once again Sorry Vrakthris


I can answer this for Uulodoobykhrog

What they are doing to make the other person change toons is the same thing we all have doing to you to make you do the Sockpuppet Hop dance.
We’ve been putting them on ignore.

He has a lot of those.

He’s not a fan of player housing either. Lol

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Hi i just got an alert that one of my post been hidden, couldn’t find it right away

Would just like to say even if have my point of view I done my best to listen to both sides of the argument I have done my best to be respectful in this debate,

Anyway just found the post that offended people so edited/removed it.

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I’ll be honest, while I didn’t flag you, a lot of what you’ve said is just shy of a threat to my mind. You’re literally treating people like they’re toys. Your arguments are flimsy and the stuff I’d expect from someone trying to excuse their abuse to a partner.


Flapping red flags batman.

The way you said this even sets me on edge.

Literally met someone from the forums just a few weeks ago. lol

But thats besides the point. This is real life. Its just a medium between you and them and doing what you claim you do is really cringy and threatening honestly. Its a step away from doxxing and the like. At least thats the feel I get.

Bottom line if you’re condoning going around an ignore because its an impersonal alt its still a bad thing to do. You’re still bypassing that persons right to choose who they interact with. On a forum where its impersonal like this as you yourself explain thats even worse. This is the sort of place where that right to choose should never be impaired.

Annd to wring that back onto the topic. Thats a great reason for why we should have an account wide ignore.


Which then makes the question: Why are they so intent on engaging with people that put them on ignore?


I completely fail to understand how making it clear i don’t condone domestic abuse of any kind could set anyone on edge?


Becuase they know with the current system we will run out of ignore space faster then they can make toons.

I mean to the point in order to ignore new toons we might have to remove older ones from our lists that they can go back to .

I think it is around a 100 to 150 character limit . Not sure anyone has that many . So any numbers above that would either not be ignored or another character would have to be removed for it to be placed .

Now to be honest I would be ok if it was 100 to 150 accounts that can be ignored because that would block 16k + different characters .

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Question remains: Why are they so intent on engaging with people that put them on ignore?

The only ones that would do such behavior are:

  1. stalkers
  2. harassers
  3. idiots with no sense of social norms
  4. attention seekers

Doing the 1st 2 IRL could lead to consequences like jail time and having to pay for damages. Here on the Forum it should lead to a LONG forum vacay.

Maybe instead of a forum wide ignore, it needs to be set up so that if x number of characters on on account are ignored, we can report them for harassing without it needing much review, and the result would be LIFETIME BAN from the forums.

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Another post of mine got buried but cant find it right now sorry!

Ive done my best to show sympathy for the other side of the argument.

How can wow become a more inclusive tolerant gaming community? That is what id like to see

Pretty much sums it up .

I would call what they are doing would be like a war of attrition where they just have to wait us out until we run out of room for ignores.

Question is how many characters on an account would that be?
To be honest account wide ignores just seems to be a more feasible and simpler solution imo.


I would say 3 in a short time/in one topic or 10 overall

No argument here, but one thing some need to get into their heads is it could be worse for them, do they want to be banned from the forums or will they accept not being able to engage with those that put them on ignore when there are hundreds others they can engage with?

Sounds good . Another thing I would add is if they have multiple accounts then all get banned .

Because without that just having a single account banned would be meaningless.

I found the last post that got buried and reread what I said proof read it and at this point in time don’t really understand why it got buried as in that specific post I mentioned both that I don’t condone domestic abuse of any kind and acknowledged people on forum as real people,

Anyway will let the mods make the decision on what to do and will accept their judgement now I have faith they will make the right decision.

Personally topics like this been going on all year so I’m assuming they are okay with the debate they may have a plan for next expansion I don’t know I do feel the mods are overworked probably with this

Had you just left it at “I don’t condone domestic violence of any kind” it wouldn’t have made me feel on edge. Going right into the “rights of women” and “I even loved the recent Barbie movie” are kinda dogwhistles for some folk who don’t want to appear like the bad guys as they do bad things.

I won’t tell you how you feel or your opinion but thats why it set off red flags for me.

(for the record I did not flag your post… I don’t think thats flaggable really but as you say I guess its the mods decision now.)


What is Peek-A-Boo blocking?