Can we get account wide ignore?

That is a valid point constructive criticism and good feedback.

Truthfully I only came back to this place recently I was away for a bit. During that time I did a bit of soul searching and I realised that if we want justice in our lives we have to be patient and play our cards in life more carefully.

Perhaps trying to defend myself in anyway isn’t actually necessary at all: to just keep things simple and to the point

Big difference between a feature that generates revenue and one that doesn’t.

You don’t save a game with forums.

Games not in danger and this is a simple QoL change…


Well it won’t make Blizzard any money so…don’t expect it to happen fast…if at all.

Forum changes can save them money though. They do pay a monthly license fee to Discourse for the software, so a change of software could end up being less spent.

Or if a change streamlines things, it could increase moderator efficiency so they don’t spend as much time on one task so they can do more stuff that the consumers might appreciate, which would help improve customer satisfaction as well.

There’s plenty of things that go into deciding whether a change is worth it to a company than straight up “will this directly make money on its own” and it’s pretty simplistic to boil it all down to that.


Alright, just show us a spread sheet and will be good.

How about you back up a single thing you’ve fearmongered or pretended to be knowledgeable about.

Like say the one there where you seem so sure that you know what Blizz will do because of your total familiarity of the financial state of the forums?


You don’t need total familiarity of the financial state of the forums, to know that they don’t really care.

They’ll acknowledge the issue but that’s as far as it’ll go. They’re not going to bother with an issue that they can ignore, since there’s no benefit for them to do anything about it.

I mean, aside from the fact that they’ve said it’s something they’re looking into.

But since you have an agenda here, you want us to believe the nuggets you’ve pulled from where the sun doesn’t shine hold more weight than the actual company representatives.


All I’ve been doing is propping up the side that some on here want to pretend doesn’t exist.

Just ignore IT. It’s not worth it for your time and sanity. No amount of words will have it answer you honestly


It’s not a good idea to dehumanize anyone.

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You’ve yet to present anything that actual does exist, or has a hope to exist.

You just attack people who want a simple QOL and prop up the other bad actors in this thread.

Might want to tell that to your friends earlier who were all about dehumanizing everyone else as a reason to not let people actually ignore them.


Oh look not worth opening it


You’ll have to address this first.

Easy. People don’t like it when they are not treated as other people in a discussion but as cartoons there for some troll’s entertainment against their will.


…does that justify more, over the top vitriol?

Are we doing the pretending a statement about an OLD well known idiom is meant to be taken literally thing again?


I think the resulting hatred across the length and breath of these topics, speaks to the delicately Blizzard has to take if they do attempt to adjust how ignores work on these forums.

I mean, I’d say it has more to do with people deliberately antagonizing people until they get a reaction and then acting like someone finally snapping at them after “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you!” shows why a standard ignore feature without a glaring hole you can drive one of those giant quarry trucks through is a bad idea.