Can we get account wide ignore?

The problem though is that as I’ve explained on the previous forum, people would call out my alts, that was not fun, I didn’t like that,

Even if they made up a rule banning people from calling out alts, the fact is that some people selfishly think they are above the rules and common human decency, I don’t think I’m above the rules personally but there will always be those that do it,

So I remain strongly on the side of maximum privacy, I am frustrated with this idea that taking away people’s anonymity will somehow result in less anti-social behavior, you are always going to get jerks unfortunately,

The fact is that I may concede that anonymity and identity shielding makes it difficult for people to hold people responsible for what they say online, it also has the positive affect of protecting people’s privacy.

I would much sooner a system in place that stops anonymous users from misusing that privilege to control and abuse people, in the case of this forum, the fact is, that Blizzard reads all of it,

Did you know there are many eSafety recommendations that say to children to only use their first name to protect them from potential predators and whatnot,

And also for those that called me homophobic in the past, consider this, that some people might be afraid to express their sexuality or be ‘outed’ to their families and friends so the online space may give LGBTQ+ a safe space to explore their identities,

Whether you think I am right or wrong, I don’t just argue this case for my own selfish reasons, but to freely express ideas without risking retaliation or real life consequences in my opinion, is a good thing and something we should protect.

Now obviously, I do accept there are risks and potential harms for people for people that want to be anonymous and alt hop, so I am not saying those in the account-wide ignore cap are necessarily wrong, but I am saying there needs to be a balance!

What I would like to see, is the misuse of anonymity and identity shielding should be restricted but without removing the benefits. I don’t have the solution to that though, but the way I see it, it shouldn’t really matter who is posting what if they are not breaking the rules, are you really going to hold one particularly poster with such contempt?

Besides, they might eventually come out and admit it was them, especially if someone you have interacted with outside of WoW, so it’s not like they can hide forever if they’ve become close to you or something like that. But I guess I’ve never actually been that close to a forum user…maybe only once.

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yeah i really don’t enjoy when that happens either. it just isn’t fun.


I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. Call outs have no place on the forums.


I think you’re missing the point here.

Account wide ignores does not remove your privacy.

Battle tags does not remove your privacy.

You talk about wanting to remain anonymous, but neither of those things removes anonymity. There is ZERO personal information that can be gained from ignoring someone’s account. There is ZERO personal information that can be gained from knowing someone’s btag.

You seem to be mixing up the wow forums with other social media sites. You are already completely anonymous here and you will remain anonymous even if they add these features.

Your privacy isn’t at risk.

Private information, for the record, is your real name, address, phone number, age, date of birth, etc. NONE of that can be found by knowing your btag or ignoring your account.

From everything I’ve seen, it just sounds like you get salty when people ignore you and you don’t want people to have the option to cut you from their lives. You take the internet too seriously - this is coming from someone who takes the internet too seriously.

Your life will not end if someone ignores you.

Your privacy will not be invaded if someone ignores you.

I won’t be responding to you anymore because it’s clear that you either don’t understand what you’re talking about or you’re choosing to not understand for the purposes of trolling.

I truly hope you find the help you need with your self-esteem issues because, if you’re not trolling, you’ve got serious self-esteem problems - again, coming from someone who has serious self-esteem issues and can recognize it.

I’ll say it again for the people in the back.

Knowing your battletag means nothing. You are still anonymous. No one knows any personal information about you.

Account wide ignore does not take away your privacy. It does not give away personal information nor does it take away your anonymity.


Vongola#1794 is my battletag. You can find out nothing about me through this, but feel free to try if it will help appease your worries.

A battletag is no different from making a forum account (on literally any forum other than WoW) and choosing a username. It has no identifying, personal information. It’s just a word with random numbers.

It is NOT personal information.

Have a good day, ya’ll :slight_smile: Blizzard, make this happen so we can put this nonsense behind us.


account wide ignore allows forum users to link other users’ mains to their alts, which is not something that many people want.

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That’s from two months ago. They still intend to do something, it’s just a matter of time. Will it look like account-wide ignore or Btag posting? We don’t know. But they want to do something.

We’re just letting them know that we would still like it to happen in the meantime so that it doesn’t fall off their radar when it’s time for forum updates.


This should also be in mind when considering the importance of blue posts.

Unless stated otherwise one blue poster, who states they function as support only doesn’t represent the community or game development design team.

Hence they cannot be used in dependable accuracy for predicating forum updates for the future.

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I truly do not understand them. Like, how is ignoring invading the privacy, which is something they have never explained.


They don’t understand themselves.

Also, can we please stop getting notifications when someone we’ve ignored responds to our post? Thanks.

EDIT: Not you, Ayu lol Your post is just the one I responded to.



Bang on.

You guys care enough to keep responding, though? So obviously it’s just as important to you, otherwise you would move on and stop responding.

People only respond to things for 2 reasons:

  1. They care about the topic and want to voice their opinion.
  2. They don’t care and want to troll.

Can’t say I’d lose any sleep regardless of whatever Blizzard does.

If they ever address this…issue?

You just admitted that you don’t mind one way or another what Blizzard does regarding this. So all this argument was for nothing.


You’re just figuring that out?


You don’t want a conclusion?

Plus that would only be true if you believed I represented all opposition.

I thought it was pretty obvious with how Ard keeps repeating the same nonsense over and over. I admit, I am surprised someone didn’t realize all this.


That’s all I’ve wanted the whole time.

Then you see by the comment above.

It will never end.

well i cared enough to add other ideas to the hat but it does get tiring when you are constantly get told told off, called a troll, im wrong, some sort of insult, dumb accusations, random saying they ignored me and can’t hold a discussion etc. id post ideas elsewhere but they get deleted bc of drama from the topic so what can you do lol.


What won’t?