Can we get account wide ignore?

ngl im 100% sure if we had tags bari is just gonna post it on twitter discord and some random, perhaps unsavory sites, so u can all thank ur bestie for 100% HELL NO to tags from me lol.
the cult like btag thread just made me nope out 100000%.

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Agreed 100%.
account wide ignores arent required here, but they would make things nicer so someone doesnt swap alts to keep yapping at us. ive had it happen a couple times now by the very people in here saying they dont like others swapping alts and coming at them again lol
EDIT…and actually the one person literally told me they knew they were doing what they claimed they hated, alt hopping to get around an ignore…but they were trying to force me to listen to them. lmao

Absolutely agree.
Seems we are in agreement more than we are not.

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Moondoggie, don’t say silly things on the internet if you don’t like seeing your own messages on the internet or dislike how the internet works.

Infact, you’re welcome to leave the internet if you dislike the fact that WoW forums are on the internet. You’re not victims and you should learn to take responsibility of the things you’ve said and do like an adult.


most of us are. like only a teeny handful want full on tags.
we want account wide ignores, ppl were starting to get pissed w/ the previous topic
bc it was being forced down ur throat all day so they were like “eh…” lol

@bari idc abt that i asked u why u post our things on twitter lmao im actually just curious, u bored?
is blizzard looking at ur posts?


Internet is public.

If you dislike me sharing nonsensical things you’ve said, then that’s on you. Not me.

You’re acting like this is some breach of etiquette when this is normal to share things, even forum posts around the internet. If you dislike it, feel free to leave the internet.

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Explain, in explicit detail, how someone could doxx you with your Btag. I want the actual real-world mechanics of how you think this would occur, not outrageous nonsensical what-ifs.

Like, if you “thought someone was trustworthy” on WoW and then “revealed personal information” but not your Btag, that means that you think your Btag is more personal than whatever personal information you gave the person. So, in effect, you’re saying you would give someone that “you thought was trustworthy” on a video game platform something like your real-life name or address before the gamer-tag whose sole purpose is to provide you an anonymous persona on the aforementioned gaming platform…

Your logic is completely bass-ackwards.


can you answer the question?

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I litterally just did. You said something that doesn’t make sense or sounds outragous, and i will post it up on there.

Edit: Past tense.

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go over and read it. Seriously concerning.

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best to not even engage with that one

ive seen it. it’s just him callin ppl reps and bashin ppl ppl over the damned tags haha so i was wondering what was the point? can just bash us here. no to btags, yes to acc wides.


Easy: You can’t. It’s just some Tauren poop they pull out of thin air.

It’s like that one guy thinking somebody without an account looking at WoW forums is Doxing.

I can see why there’s discords for people on WoW forums to join, because this is more brain rotting then Twitter. And Twitter is like the El dorado of brain rot.

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Truth. Some people just want to complain about how the internet works despite using it. Their gonna have to deal with the consequences they set themselves up with… something that’s easily avoided if they have some basically level thinking skills that even console warriors have.

I read a bunch of it and theres more to it than just bashing.
Its very concerning when you look at it in its totality.
yes, I read between lines a lot…and Im nearly always on target when I see what I think I see.
VERY concerning.

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Their entire argument boils down to "if I willingly and intentionally ignore the absolute most basic internet safety protocol, bad things could happen. "

Gee, no :poop: Sherlock.


The point is he can’t here because he’ll get vacationed again like he did on the b-tag topic. You can tell he was banned because on the pictures he can’t reply to them. So Twitter he can just talk to himself and that one human poster whom he follows within their own echo chamber.


lol this whole things crazy

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Ya know what’s funny? My Steam, Btag, and Twitter are the same Name, and i’ve been open about my Btag.

Funny how nothing happened to me. Even with them complaining about my twitter and praying, begging on their knees at Blizzard to ban me because of the site’s different rules. (Which btw, i don’t condone attacking or harrassment and i ask people not too.)

Funny how it’s the Anti’s that are talking about Doxxing tho. Very sus. :thinking:

Liolang has twitter with in her words “lot of rants and memes and similar crap,”? Plot thickens.

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I cant here, obviously, but if you could see my twitter, you’d see a lot of rants and memes and similar crap, but youd immediately see that there is a ‘tone’ that is VERY different in my rants by comparison.
Its that ‘tone’ that is distressing. Ive seen it before. and I know where it goes a lot of the time

Anyways #Btags4Forums. It has my support.

You can’t have account-wide ignore without Btags. Unless you want to check to make sure it’s the account you’re ignoring.

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