Can we get a /powerslide for Blood Elves?

Wait…you’re saying Jaina DIDN’T raise her Father’s Flagship from the Depths and Fly it to Lordaeron?

No. I’m saying she didn’t raise the ghosts that appeared in the cinematic. Raising a ship from the depths is not raising ghosts.

Perhaps the Souls of those who died at Theramore (during Warcaft III, not between Cata and Pandas) are bound, in a fashion, to Daelin’s Pendant? It’s shown to have the ability to free the Kul’tiran Fleet from Azshara/Stormsong’s Storm, so it could have other powers. We didn’t actually SEE Jaina raise the ghosts of Daelin’s Expedition. But we DID see Sylvanas Powerslide into Melee Range of Arthas.

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Macguffins will do whatever’s required of them.

LOL, this. Make it like this.


World of Warcraft: Legion.

No. Blood Elves are High Elves that looked to Fel to sate their magic addiction. High Elves are High Elves that had some will power and got over it. Huge difference.

Wait…so I can Race Change by drinking something different?

That’s the difference between Nightborne and Night Elves, no? One drinks from the Nightwell, the other doesn’t.

10, 000 years vs at most 5 days?

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Look at what hanging out with demons and drinking Mannoroth’s blood did to the Orcs. In even less time than that. And Mag’har and Orcs are considered seperate races.

Powersliding into Frostmourne eventually lead her to being the Leader of the most powerful army on Azeroth. 4D chess mate. I’d like to see you take the situation she was in and turn it into her favor.

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Got news for you. Blood Elves are High Elves.

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Your character would be executed for saying that.

Sylvanas had to powerslide. The devs havent updated her programming to get rid of that pesky hunter “dead zone”.

Really? I thought it was Greeting Custom. And the Death Knight Greeting Custom is stabbing people, if you were wondering.

Either do the blood elf Heritage Quest if you have a blood elf or watch the video on YouTube because she definitely was our Ranger General

Raid of Orgrimar 2.0 when Sylvanas is on her last leg she will power slide into the tanks weapon no matter what.

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Or a scene where if there is a Death Knight in the Party at 20% on LFR/Normal/Heroic she’ll say “No, it cannot end like this!” and Powerslide towards the nearest DK before saying “Wait…No, not again…!” and dies. She does not do this in Mythic, though.


Nobbel laughed about it during his reaction vid and then later in another one, he photoshopped her holding a guitar xD

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Her eyes weren’t green. Not a belf.