Can we get a /powerslide for Blood Elves?

I’m gonna be that one DK that backs away at first as she starts sliding in my direction but then go full sprint when I realize she’s locked on to my weapon after a couple seconds Blizzards power fantasy will kick in and I will remember we are still slow as a snail.

Forced Channeled Cast with an MC Effect. Cause have to play the way the Devs want you to.

Except when a Rogue:
Pickpockets Sylvanas
Become Sylvanas
/Dance Dances exactly like the Blood Elves do. Sounds more like a blood elf to me.

(FYI you can’t pick her pockets as a Horde, so no this isn’t an blood elf doing, if a night elf does it, she dances like a blood elf). Don’t know if you can get away with it now Undercity’s gone and she’s in Org.

I was expecting this to end with you kiting her everyplace or someplace x)

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Nit picking, she was the Ranger General of Silvermoon, where we the Sin’Dorei live.
Watch the video and learn something, or read this.

Void Elves share the same dance too.

The Horde is going on its third time it has to be spared by the Alliance…

4…d… chess

I hope everyone realizes this is Legolas’ fault for turning archery into parkour in the minds of an entire generation.

At the time, she was an old school Hunter. And Arthas was in the dead zone.

Quel’thalas and Silvermoon. Forgive me if I’m wrong but I believe that the high elves lived there and then after Arthas went through they were basically all deaf so Kael’thas returned and renamed everyone to be blood elves.

Kite her all the way to Stormwind and let the Night elves finish her off.

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There could also be a special achievement for doing a Powerslide on the Dead Scar.

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Only if you add the goofy death scream when getting impaled or “it was at that moment you realized… you fd up” or you done goofed.

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…voiced by Wilfred Warfstache.

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