Can we get a /powerslide for Blood Elves?

Sylvanas was a high elf when she died. But sure, since people say helves and belves are the same

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When you say powerslide the first thing that comes to my mind is the cini where she slides up to arthas and gets stabbed right away


That is in fact what I am referencing.

Sure thing!

However, you can only use it once… because immediately after you use it, you are killed and turned into a banshee.


And that’s how you unlock the Dark Ranger Allied Race.


What a way to go!

theyre the same thing :smile:


Sylvanas isn’t a Blood Elf, though. She never was. She’s an Undead High Elf. Very huge difference.

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But according to Ion, Blood Elves and High Elves are the same thing. So until someone Higher Ranking says otherwise, they’re the same thing.


I guess Night Elves and Nightborne are the same thing too, then. They are both purple elves who used a magical well to summoned demons into the world.

Hey, how come the Horde get to play an Alliance race? And furthermore, why isn’t the Alliance allowed to play an Alliance race? That doesn’t make sense.

I’m pretty sure she just wanted to give Arthas a big ol’ hug.

high elves are called blood elves now dude. if arthas never happened theyd still be called high elves


What, did the elves renaming themselves suddenly make them incapable of powersliding?

w8 when did they use the nightwell to do that


She didn’t, but yeah, sure, whatever.

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Yes she did. Sylvanas even admitted it when telling her tale to Delaryn. See the Warbringers: Sylvanas above for reference.

I saw the warbringers short. She melee’d zombies and then Arthas rode up and stabbed her. The entire fall of Quel’Thalas was rushed in this short and not 1:1 with the actual events.


She totally powerslid, midriff first, towards her intended, as is the Elven Custom. And as is the Death Knight Custom, Arthas stabbed her with his Runeblade.

Right and I’m sure Jaina specced into necromancy in her short, too.

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Haven’t people been asking for a Necromancer Class/Spec?

What people request for gameplay isn’t reflected in a cinematic that uses non literal imagery to get its point across.

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