Can we get a Gay racial leader already?

We also don’t need permission to voice our opinions, same as OP, so your point is moot, but thank you anyway.

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People just really need to start posting the most random, off topic stuff in these threads. Don’t complain about the thread, don’t engage in regards to whatever the topic, just post some random crap and leave.

I gotchu friend

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Nah, I’ve made my point. You guys can have your little straight person prejudice thread.

Yep, yep, thank you so much.

This idea is absolutely terrific. Honestly, it’s a sin and a shame that a fantasy world, still being updated in 2022, somehow does not have diverse individuals within prominent positions in their game world.

Honestly, it’s disgraceful.

Blizzard needs to do better.

Give us a gay Anduin.

Give us a gay Baine.

Give us a gay Mekkatorque.

Give us a gay Rokan.

God all mighty, god all mighty, god all mighty. It is time.

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You’re posting in their thread you walnut lol

edit: or your own thread, I should say


Never heard of her.

Originally she was just a female dragon with a male name (Chronormu rather than Chronormi as it should have been following the bronze flight naming conventions), when someone asked about it they said she was just a unique case.

It wasn’t until fairly recently they went to the trouble of making a short story where she was born a male dragon but chose to appear as a female humanoid because it ‘fits her better’.


I don’t know. Some of the ideas are way better than I could come up with.

That’s sounds very childish and it’s against CoC to purposefully derail a thread. The better option is to leave the thread if you don’t like what you see. Nobody is forcing you to click on this link.

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Mm hmm, I’ve seen some of your ideas… no comment. :rofl:

The amount of hatred that Blizz allows on the forums is astounding.

They even perform with Weezer!

nothin wrong with some tunes :sunglasses:

You’ve stooped down to name calling. You sure are showing the forum OP by bumping his thread :roll_eyes: :joy: :rofl:

Why would I remember the name of a person who makes a thread like this? Threads like this pop up almost everyday and they are almost always a joke or troll thread. None of that matters.

What actually matters is that it has been proclaimed that straight people can’t have an opinion here which is why I said I’m out. There’s no point posting anything here because I’m not gay. Straight people don’t get to have an opinion here.

Now do me a favor and stop trying to bait me.

Wow Talonel… you cant. He has a son. Voljin isn’t gay or shown to be lgbt at all. I think representation is important, but all current leaders within both factions are straight except for Mathias Shaw of the SI:7 who is gay.

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Ah yes, the well known slur, “walnut”.

I do want you gone but I’ll get my entertainment out of the thread first.

ok bye talonel


This is the 2nd time you’ve responded to me with an obvious troll attempt in as many days. Do you have an issue with diversity and inclusion?