Can we get a Gay racial leader already?

TBH, I don’t really like a lot of the “main” characters, anyway. I tend to gravitate towards the “less popular” characters. I think the only “main” character I like, at all, is Vanessa Van Cleef, if we can call her that. Otherwise, I like me more minor characters that nobody cares about like Captain Garrick or the quest giver in Twilight Highlands, on Alliance, who gives the best quest text, ever. Something along the lines of “the Horde cannot have my beach. Is the beach situation clear?” LOL

I just feel like even minor characters have a part to play in the game and not just “main” characters.


I don’t get these threads asking for more LGBT+ representation because it seems blizzard is already working on that and I don’t think that’s going to stop. This one is entirely ridiculous and bait, thus is the way of the order of troolluuennel.

I agree with Vincent that having more skin color diversity among humanoid npc, especially major ones would be groovy.

I’m fairly sure both elf hunters with T names who post nonstop LGBT+ bait threads are the same person, and a troll roleplaying LGBT+ specifically because he hates us and wants to annoy everyone else into hating us too. This is his way.

It’s pretty pathetic that he’s paying 30, maybe even 45 dollars a month to have multiple accounts to use in his campaign of hate.


I just have my headcanon pairings like Valtrois and Stellagosa.


Voljin, thrall, Sylvannas, gallywix, and so many others. What isn’t fair about it? The horde doesn’t have a single white human in it so what’s the real problem?


Mine is Vanessa Van Cleef is the true Alliance leader. How dare SW allow this situation to spiral out of control! I may be Alliance, but I stand with Vanessa.

The whole Van Cleef situation is still one of the better storylines Blizzard has come up with. I hope it gets re-visited at some point.


Kinda bizarre you keep demanding Blizzard implement special protections for you against something you openly admit is a fringe minority group.

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I headcanon Asric and Jadaar, they fight like an old married couple yet always stick together ever since they got fired back in Shattrath. Like they were in the world’s end tavern then they went to northrend together. Then they went to the icecrown tournament ground, then the darkmoon faire island. That’s a lot of traveling together for people who act the way they do.

I’m just like, “Nah, they’re a couple.”


How do you know they are gay or not? I mean… they don’t really go around talking about their sexual preferences. So unless they are holding hands with a sig other…

Historians: “And they were very close friends to the end of their days.”


If it’s so obvious, why not provide proof? I like the OP’s opinions and feedback. It’s clear he’s active so I respond and show my support.

By your logic, you must be the alt of alkhai and Zandrae. everywhere I post you three always show up conveniently to try and bully and harass for my opinions and feedback threads. It’s childish and quite frankly not welcoming.

Laughs in Thalassian.


Okay Talonel


By your logic, you want a protected space for you to hate on everyone free of consequence. Also def not an alt, have disagreed with Zandrae plenty of times.

You see though, we agree on one thing here, you don’t belong in this community. People who espouse hate like you do should never have a place.


Telling a cisgender heterosexual people to stop speaking on behalf of LGBT+ players and speaking over LGBT+ players isn’t bullying. It’s standing up to privileged people who can’t handle stepping back and letting us speak for ourselves.

If anything, you not listening to actual LGBT+ posters repeated requests to stop speaking on our behalf and over us is harassment of us.


We truly have entered Bizaro World at this point, where people are demanding negative stereotypes and cliches be put into the game for “representation”, while taking a more nuanced inspiration from different cultures/races/sexualities are lambasted as all kinds of ‘ists’ and ‘phobics’.


Your concern trolling is not welcomed by anybody. Has that not been made clear by now?


I disagree and I think Blizzard does too. Most blizzard live streams include representation now which is quite amazing and very supportive of the lgbt community. I expect their games to reflect their recent decisions to include more as the next expansion develops.

Oh, i thought that was absolutely transparent sarcasm.
Apologies if I wasn’t clear.

For me it’s Tholo Whitehoof and Anren Shadowseeker from the Hyjal daily hub.