Can we get 8 Non-layered Servers at Launch?

I think releasing a few no lawyer realms is a great idea. All those crying for beta access now wouldn’t make it 5 mins in a que of 3+hours. Lol :fire:

You guys say you’re fine with waiting in queues until you have to wait in queues. Then you’ll be here moaning about it because that’s what this community does every single time.

i feel like dynamic respawns on none rare spawns just makes more sense tbh. layering on beta has been awful so far.

Why would there be a 3 hour queue if so many here say layering is good and only a “tiny minority” want no layering ?


So how do you make sure you get one of the non-layered servers? A lottery? How

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They could label them like they do for pvp, pve, rp and rpvpv
Just mark a few with “unlayered”

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You scroll down the server list and join the server and wait in the que… just like you will do when you pick not the server it suggests to you because your guild is on a different one.

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An unlayered realm is great idea and would satisfy both group sets. Having an unlayered realm is important, Eaglesgift, because blizzard doesn’t punish for exploiting unless it is egregious. I for one will enjoy my time on a layering realm because I have learned from Blizzard to “Exploit Early, Exploit Often”. I didn’t make the design, but I for sure will be using my time off utilizing it to the best of my ability… which is why everyone has a concern.

Seeing how broken Layering was even on the Stress Test gives me no confidence whatsoever that it’s an appropriate fix to high populations. I got the tag on Sarkoth, was invited to a group and he literally despawned mid-fight because I joined a group and that made everyone hop layers.

If they can’t get it working the way they say it’s supposed to, and come up with a solution to the severe abuse the system will have, it’s going to entirely ruin Classic for a very large number of people who want a seemless, connected world.


so you want a 3-5 hour que? cool I like PLAYING the game more

Is that really the case?

People offered the option of instead having invisible servers on top of servers (layering) that enables abuse, to have mutliple servers that are bound to be merged in the future if numbers drop. For a pool of realms like that, names can’t double.

This is actually the same as layering – with the huge difference being that there is no layering or phasing or whatever. And that those merges only happen if numbers do drop. No abuse possible.

Sounds way better to me, but please tell me how layering is better for the experience at hand.

Let me abstract this real quick:

One merges if necessary and people know in advance with which servers that will happen, if it happens, without any layering and double note spawns and/or other problematic issues occurring.

The other (layering), needs people to leave to begin with, and creates immersion breaking gameplay that enables people to abuse on top.

Just yesterday I’ve seen another issue on the beta, when a player whispered a streamer asking him to invite him into his layer cause there was nobody to duel against in front of OG for him. The streamers layer was packed.

The streamer declined in fear of getting pulled into the empty layer.
I guess that poor dude just wasn’t lucky enough to have fun with the game.


No. :black_small_square:

I wonder just how WotLK managed to be WoW’s biggest win out of all WoW’s with what, 12 million players at the peak? And consistently 10~ million players.

Millions of people came over from TBC to WotLK, facing a massive launch for WotLK, yet somehow, just somehow, everything turned out in a way that for many it’s a very beloved expansion to this day, and for Blizzard it’s the most popular one out of all throughout it’s whole lifespan.

I was there for this launch. It was massive, and awesome because of it.
I was able to play very soon after the initial wave. Obviously there were issues, but negligible ones at best. No layering, sharding, w/e there to secure anything, neither at launch nor onwards.
Hmm yes… if only we knew better back then, and gave players an entirely different game defined by layering/sharding, just to prevent the miniscule amount of realms which actually ended up lowly populated and less wait time in the queue…
I’m sure people would have received the expansion just the same way! Same game all the way through afterall, with this new game changing feature for its first weeks and months! Right?! :clown_face:


Feel free to point a a single solution that solves this problem with no downsides to the players or the servers.

Scroll up. I already did.

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Sign me up.


So mega shard single server? Are the all invdicual servers? What happens when one is lower pop with more access to materials? If you cant trasfer between layers or talk to other layers what happens when your community is merged down into the smaller server based on the pop numbers?

I think your idea does not axtually fix the issues as it creates its own issues that are just as pervasive in a different manner instead you are putting that problem off a month when the Shard layers walls are removed and suddenly all these people i didnt know existed are part of my world.

There could be lesser populated single servers in that server pool of potential merges. Just as there will always be lower populated servers and lower populated layers on a layered server.

Just think about it. Whereas a low pop realm would allow for more grinding of resources as there is less competition, at least people can only get 1 spawn at a time.
With the layering tech people can, especially those that get ahead of the curve, gather a multitude of spawns at a single time, which is worse. Its that simple to compare.

What happens when your server gets merged with a lower pop one? Well, nothing really, you will start to see a few new faces, or a lot of new faces (if you played on the low pop one before the merge).
Just as you would with layering all the time, but then again, you wouldn’t have to deal with all the other issues of layering and sharding tech for … actually… ever.

It creates one issue, and that is the merges. Which will only happen if player numbers for the servers do drop. If they don’t, there is no need to merge. It avoids multiple spawns of resources and immersion breaking behavior and more important: ITS AUTHENTIC.

Yes there could be a point then, when you would “suddenly” see new people you’ve never seen before. But at least mobs, spawns and people wouldn’t suddenly appear and disappear before you regularly as people group up etc. in the thousands per hour – which will happen and which will be visible to everyone. And which will hurt immersion and the economy big time.

You have a one time merge that sucks and I get it. But you dodge all the other sh*t thats going to happen with layering.

No solution is perfect. One just has way less destructive downsides than the other. And is more authentic, which is obviously really important.


Do this Blizzard, give people the option of avoiding layering if they want. Pls.


Better idea: wait until layering is disabled. Solves your problem.