Can we get 8 Non-layered Servers at Launch?

Must be nice to have that kind of free time.


What makes you think these same issues will be present on launch day?

The amount of players in one location fighting for mobs sounds like an absolute nightmare. I mean the Stress Test alone was bad enough, so just multiply that by 3 or 4. I think that would be a terrible introduction for new players that would turn them off the game in about 5 minutes, or as soon as someone tags a mob they’ve been waiting to get forever instead of inviting them to a group and the poor newbie just wants to get a quest done. They won’t understand. Launch will not be newbie friendly and layering will at least ease the burden. People are going to be standing around with a ton of other players anyway waiting for spawns that are few and far between. It’s going to be irritating even when people are in groups of 5.

I’m not concerned about the potential for queues on non-layered servers - it’s the fact that Blizz’s servers can handle a ton of players and if you remove layering, you will have a ton of players.

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Which is exactly why Blizz is doing a 3 month beta test to find and fix these problems before launch. Is this your first rodeo?

“find and fix problems before launch”

haha…is this YOUR first rodeo with Blizzard ?


You know that we went from “phasing only in the starter zones and for a limited time in the beginning” to “layering everywhere until the end of phase 1”… " if enough people leave until then or we will keep layering even longer.".

Phasing for lvl 1-20 was more or less accepted and now you have that tech everywhere for months.

Never give Blizzard the little finger.


I don’t remember a Dev every saying “if enough people leave”

Also a person can change their mind after collecting additional evidence, right?

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Phasing and layering are not the same thing. Phasing is local - you can have an NPC or a camp phased based on your progress in a quest, with the rest of the zone non-phased. You can have gathering nodes phased so that you see it at a distance but when you get there it’s not there because you switched phases.

Layering is your entire server and it’s permanent for as long as you’re logged in. You see the same people, the same gathering nodes, the same everything throughout the entire game world. It’s basically a normal server experience.

It’s far better than phasing. I feel like you haven’t actually experienced extensive phasing like they have in Retail. It sucks. You do not want phasing.


Layering is not intended to make competition in zones more limited. Crowds are still going to be an issue for awhile after startup.

Layering lets them load up realms way over capacity for a short while so when the tourists leave they don’t have a) empty realms, or b) have to combine servers which creates name conflicts and/or weird server tags on the names.

We are promised layering will be gone by the end of Phase 1 and likely sooner.

Layering is being tested and there is little doubt it will be tweaked to prevent the most egregious exploitation of it.

Layering seems a reasonable solution to me, since Classic demand is anybody’s guess at this point but will likely be greatest right at startup.


Tell that to the people on the beta.
Cause that may be your romantic hope of it working, but thats not reality.

They didnt, thats just whats bound to happen if people dont leave. What else can they do?
Servers with 10k pop do not sound like an alternative.

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What can they do if demand doesn’t slacken off quickly - they will open more realms and offer free transfers to the sleepy ones. That’s what they will do.


Thats the moment then. Ninja everything you can and then hop the server.

Oh the community. Its going to be great!.


Ya ya ya. It’s a damn game man. Some people seem to need to manufacture crises.

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Yes. If the 3000 per server number holds and after layering is pulled, that’s only 24000 players. Do you think there will be less than 24000 players after phase 2? I sure don’t.

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You know that all those problems wouldnt exist with other soultions?

Why defend one that is obviously bad?
But go ahead, to each their own.

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Maybe if you quit running with your hair on fire, you could think clearly about the problem and realize that layering, while not perfect, is a pretty good solution. Every half baked alternative posted around here creates far more problems than they solve.


It could be worse…layering for the entire length of the game.
So if layering is really gone by phase 2 then I come back to play and get none of that shard/layer crap.

If layering isn’t gone and has morphed into something even worse for phase 2 and beyond then I won’t ever come back.

Sharding/CRZ IMO was the worst thing that happened to wow and one of the main reasons I left in Legion. Have no intention of coming back and seeing that crap in classic so I will wait.


The OP offered a fairly reasonable solution. Many of us think Layering is bad in general or that Blizz shouldn’t be trusted to not move the goalpost on this one. So give a few servers where that feature is just disabled completely Put a “layerless” tag on it and let those of us who are willing to deal with the extra wait times do our thing.

Oh look the “It’s just a game.” logic… Here I thought gamers had moved past this foolish concept.


What is the harm if they offered a few non layered realms ?
That way the teeny, tiny, small majority of players can also play on day 1 with no mega-sharding aka layering.


You think you don’t want layering but you do