Can we fix shop mogs disappearing already please?

How is this not fixed over a year later?

My Sprite Darter mog disappearing ended up costing me 500+g every time it disappeared to re-mog it when it reappeared to the point I stopped using it on my druid.

My Recruit-A-Friend mog disappears, and that took 12 months of subs from a friend.

I want to buy the Murloc backpacks, but I can’t justify it when they’re prone to randomly disappearing.

Like, I understand transmog isn’t a “top priority” but surely when we’re paying real money for these, that should be a top priority, no?

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It is not a simple issue to fix, most things that involve account flags are not.

The Customer Support forum agents have been tracking the issue and providing updates though.

The update Sasquatchius posted is less than a day old. There are other updates in that thread sharing older info as well as they have worked on this.

You will want to keep an eye on that thread and on the Hotfix notes.

Yeah but all the while this hasn’t been fixed, they have continued to sell these things on their cash shop. I’m sorry, but that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

They are very quick to take our money, and seemingly very slow to provide quality assurance and fix this problem.


I don’t disagree. They are not gone from the account, but they don’t display correctly and it requires re-mogging them which costs gold. Right now it is free during the Trial of Style, but otherwise can be annoying.

A warning on the shop page would not go amiss.

On the good side, the error does not remove them from the accounts and nobody who paid will have to buy them again with real money.

I agree, that’s a good thing but I also hope that people hold onto their receipts for this stuff regardless.

Thanks for clarifying how re-mogging didn’t cost me any gold after not having access to Celestial Observer’s Ensemble for over 6hrs this evening. I actually thought Blizzard fixed it today but it was just a coverup by the Trial of Style event that ends in a couple days.

What? Why using GD when you can bring this kind of topic to the Community council, you’re a member… I don´t get you sometimes Maizou.

Its an issue that a lot of players mentioned on GD before and there´s a better chance for a reply on the CC Forums, help us with that please.

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i kind of want to make a /spit joke, but that’s pretty low hanging fruit, so i’ll pass on that.

As far as I’m aware (correct me if I am wrong), this issue is affecting all store mogs except for the pre-order bfa mog set. Which to me, means that any store mog rewarded from a quest, is exempt from this issue. Assuming that to be the case, the solution seems simple. Just redo all the other store mogs to require a short quest line unlock.

The CC is not for bugs. They’ve told us numerous times.

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Got it, but there should be a way to share the last status on this issue with the playerbase, i see post about this all the time and i’ve not seen any post like Marisol mentioned, maybe players that don’t use the forums feel like Blizzard failed for their micro transactions too.

It’s a topic that generate frustation, since those players paid for something, Community Managers should do a post about this instead of promoting only discounts for the store.

Also i don’t think GD is the right forum section for bugs too, your post will end like another post around the same issue, at this point players doesn’t know how to reach Blizzard for a response, that’s why i mentioned that maybe CC members could help with this.

Toys, too.
It’s super annoying. I’m missing a ton of toys (including the boss one from the Blizz shop)


Also the CC does not permit comments from other people. At least this way, you can see how many other people are having this issues.

I haven’t had it. But honestly I don’t wear any of the Shop Transmogs that often. The Sprite one is kinda fugly to just wear about. And the Celestrial one only has a few pieces I care to wear.

Seeing as I have yet to have any transmogs I got from RAF or from the store disappear I don’t see it as bad as people claim

Even if it just removed your transmog just apply it on once more, 300 gold isn’t hurting anyone or you

The transmog cost is hardly the point, though.

This is an issue where players don’t look outside the GD forum, or maybe another forum they tend to frequent. If there are issues with bugs/tech stuff then the Support forums are really a great place to check, and where there is an ongoing info thread on this.

Right. GD is not really the place they provide ongoing updates to bugs. The CS forum is handling it. However, when the fix does go through and makes it into the game it should show up here in the Hotfix notes that get posted for each update.

That is why I linked to the thread in Customer Support where the Forum Support Agents are providing information and updates to players.

This is a Support issue, and in this case Blizzard IS providing info on it - in the Support section. I don’t think there is anything the Council could or would change about that - seeing as the info is in the logical place for a support issue and they have been providing updates.

Hopefully this thread directs folks to the right place.

So maybe a post about an improvement to this kind of communication, if there’s a playerbase that doesn’t know where to check for their issues and keep doing post, as mentioned before on this post, there should be a warning on the shop or some better communication, Blizzard should remove the items from the store until this is fix, other game enterprises handle things like that but are mostly related to gameplay, except this is cosmetic, but creates a bad image.

I rarely go to the Customer Support forums anymore. People there handle the problems faster than I can reply, so I just leave it to them. So I haven’t seen people have posted about it recently, which is why I made the thread.

CS technically isn’t the place for it either. Bug Report would be. Lol.

I’ve had similar bugs with blizzard stuff moved to Bug Report from the CS forum before. Lol. I’ve honestly given up trying to figure out what belongs in the CS forum, cause half the stuff that gets posted there gets moved to Bug/Tech Support, and like a 1/4th get moved to GD.

That IS true. Normally Bug reports simply get filed via the in-game tool or the Bug Report forum. QA handles them and does not provide updates usually.

In the rare circumstance that they ARE providing ongoing updates it can happen via a few channels. This is shop related and touches on Billing and accounts so the Forum Support Agents are keeping us up to date. For some Tech issues, the Tech Agents will keep an ongoing thread. For some game issues, the CMs keep a thread on GD - although that is not common anymore.

The CS forum is an Information Desk really. It is a great place to get info about how to use the Support system, clarification on policies, etc. If you ever want to know “where do I post X” then CS folks are happy to share.

Anyone who wants to CHANGE those policies though, would want to give feedback via the Discussion sections of the Forums or in-game suggestion tool. The Forum Support agents are not tasked with passing on game feedback or systems feedback to the Devs or Web teams.