Frost had the best aoe threat and low gear damage, Blood was the best single target boss tank, Unholy was generally the weakest survival-wise, but once you had gear it could delete entire dungeons in minutes
You could tank normal ICC as Unholy with zero issues. The two most common DK tanks on my OG realm were either deep blood or UH. Deep blood as we know now is not as good as the split blood/frost spec but hey, all three could still tank normal ICC regardless.
Dks got the nerf bat before cata and blood was the main tank spec as of 3.3.5 patch. Sure each spec could tank dungeons. However, unholy had aggro issues depending on the comp, and frost was also lacking aggro generation. Blood was the king and no one took unholy as a tank for a raid. Frost was still somewhat acceptable if they were absolutely desperate for any tank.
Opposite to my experience when I did it, wasn’t considered a burden or subpar in content. Held threat, stayed alive, and healers never complained or seemed to have a hard time healing me.
Post on a main that has the achieves to show you were there. I have doubts at this point. I had to replace a DK as a tank (I was boomy and swapped to bear) because he refused to swap to blood. Healers (and they were not elite but not remotely close to bad. I’d say above average) had issues with him. He was defense capped and still a ball of mush.
I have zero issue showing receipts when I have them.
which is alright, there are definitely differences in which spec is a more optimal tank, but UH tanking was super fun for me compared to blood and frost tanking. I will concede though that either of those was probably more optimal, but all were viable.
I appreciate that. Most people say “I lost my account” garbage. Heck, when I started on a trial account I didn’t know you could convert it. Went to Walmart, bought the game, and started all over (didn’t matter because I only made it to level 7 on a hunter).
Lame! I had a throw away email I used for my first account. When I got tired of Ultima Online and came back to WoW I couldn’t remember the email (but knew my password). I lost an awesome name (Hoofhearted). It’s stupid/funny name but was my first.
oh thats a good name! Sorry you lost it
This is my original name that I am now able to have since classic dropped.
I played this for like two hours, didn’t know what was going on, died a couple times to things, and never came back. I do remember my friends doing “trench farming”(?) strats though. seemed intense.
I mean solo tanked it, did it without an offtank. It was still a full raid just 1 tank. Might have been in 10m. but I thought it was 25m. But Blizzard used that as the reason to use Blood as the tank spec going forward. There were videos of people soloing stuff as Unholy in Wrath.
But if your dk tank was dying that easily as unholy he was doing something wrong. No other way to really put it. Its DS healing is just as good as Blood. I tanked as Frost, I just liked the spec.
If someone was dying that easily as Unholy then they were doing something wrong. No other way to put it really.
The same patch that buffed Icy Touch threat to the levels we have now.
The very patch that made blood dual wield capable at early ilvls.
Pft, you just couldn’t plan on having a 7x100 skill build and had to have a few leftover points incase someone started a campfire near you. For most people this was fine since you’d never hit 100 magic resist through normal gameplay anyway