Can we fix blood DPS?

i care about your parses

That’s true, but I don’t that really explains how close blood and frost are. A perfectly played frost will out dps a prefectly blood dps of the same item level, but if the blood dk has a little more gear or a little more skill and blood wins. More over an under performing frost dk might improve their dps by switching to blood which has a very simple rotation.

Yup, people just look at logs and take the info there without understanding the context. Here’s my Blood DK compared to our Frost DK who’s rank 374 which is pretty good considering our guilds slower kill times. Our numbers overall are really close to each other and so are our skill levels:

Blood is maybe 3-5% worse overall compared to Frost if gear, skill and kill times are equivalent. My Anub is the only thing that is a fair bit worse and that’s because the last 30% lasts so long which gives Frost a decent edge because of the execute phase bonus.

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not hard to parse as a blood dk considering there are dozens of them

youre compared to other people using the same spec

you know this right?

i could parse pink parses as sub rogue - wanna know why?

blood is usually just stealing gear from better combat rogues, feral druids, and fury warriors

okay tho if your raid needs the AP buff

It was only that way until ppl started seeing all of the content that blood dk tanks were soloing. Dks could solo places that warriors couldnt even consider. Palidans were not considered god tanks. Viable but not the go to like they are now. Once ppl saw whar blood coild do solo, it didnt take long for ppl to put two and two together and see that if they were that good solo, imagine what they would be like with a healer. By end of wrath blood was very well known and its why blizz chose blood as the official tank spec in cata.

I believe they are trying to destroy it, but most wont go back to retail. We are quitting all wow after icc.

Agreed. We should have been able to rum around with my op dk at launch. Or go around 1 shotting everyone on my palidan.

All 3 could tank. There was no 1 tank spec for the DK. The DK was an experiment to see if they made all specs able to tank as well if it would help with the tank numbers. They were looking to possibly make other specs able to tank as well like fury, arms and ret for example.

It didnt have any impact on the amount of people playing tank so they scrapped it. Blood became the tank spec because someone solo tanked LK 25m heroic if i am remembering correctly.

Frost early on would also run into parry hasting until they made that mechanic basically non-existant.

Frost might be the best threat per second out there if you ignore dps output with how icy touch works with frost presence.

OK, but he’s linking logs of him doing the same or more damage than frost at similar parses.

So this take is, yanno, just bad.

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1879 Blood DPS parses on Twin Valks over the last week.

I doubt this.

I don’t take any leather or agility gear and I outdps the Fury Warriors in my guild usually by a substantial amount.

What does this have to do with my DAMAGE numbers being roughly equal to the 98 parsing Frost DK in my guild? Idk why people who don’t know what they’re talking about feel the need to comment on this stuff.


I’ve run it whole expansion

All you look at is the color of the parse and not the actual dps being done.

Smoothbrain take, lmao.

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so, because you’re a tank spec that wants to dps you demand the game changes for you?

“but they fixed ret”

blood was never broken where are your nurfs that need to be fixed?

lets look at WARRIORS for a minute: the class blizzard hates the most.

we have had 277 icc nurfs since pre patch, rage gen nurfs, 10% TG nurf, and they even nurfed how our deep wounds stack low key using fiery weapon chant as a scapegoat to do it. last patch we were 17th on the meters. we are now 9th in the meters and when real togc was out were were number 3. blizzard did this TO LAUGH AT US FOR SPORT

“wait your turn”

I should already be a melee god and blizz took that away from me >:c

They quite literally attempted to fix Dancing Rune Weapon cause it was (and is) indeed, broken.

This is just a standard warrior QQ post screaming “dey took er jerb”.

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rofl QQ

not defacto #1 and blizz is against you

Yawl can’t stop me from scaling in icc

Nor has anyone tried to.

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True this should be fixed for WCL

Guess it’s up to me then!

SIR you are not allowed to scale in ICC!! Please cease instantly!

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Cope /10chars