Can we fix blood DPS?

Guy can’t even keep his trolling coherent.

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For 90% of the player base it is rn. Because they are coming with 10m ulduar agi gear thinking blood is good

Case and point have you run blood dps since classic release? Bet not. Bet you actually made the swap this tier!

And all 3 specs tanking ICC.

In fact, Unholy was even the preferred tank spec for 1 particular boss cause of damage mitigation.

It is what it is. Just cause it’s not meta doesn’t mean anything.

90% of the playerbase struggle to follow a Youtube guide on how to kill a 5 man heroic boss.

What kinda argument is this?

You are still arguing with people and meanwhile drw is still kinda bugged maybe focus on that, not on arguing with clueless people.

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This right here highlights why using “THE FINAL PATCH” is such a garbage idea.

Lets for example illustrate how bad final patch almost always is… Generally its so bad they have to attempt to un-ruin it with the expansion they’re coming out with and that’s generally kinda bad because Blizzard’s testing of classes methodology is generally garbage too.

So for example.,. MoP is regarded as one of the best PVP expansions EVER because its PVP was so well balanced… Thing is, that’s mostly true, but partly false… Patch series 5.0 and 5.1 were kinda bad while 5.2 and 5.3 series were amazing… with 5.4 (the one blizzard would likely use) being kinda bad…

This “lets use the final patch” nonsense is why some of these games were actually better back in the day than they are in “Classic”

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It doesn’t actually matter in this case, in the final patch of WotLK all 3 dk specs could still tank and dps.

yeah, and while that’s a bad design because of the problems it creates, does not change the fact that Blizzard opened the “we gonna balance some stuff” can of worms.

If you’re gonna fix some bugs on some classes and not others; that stinks of player bias, the bias of players who’re just so happening to be Developers.

I think we should buff hunters first

Hunters don’t need buffs just fixing the trap in toc also no idea why blizzard buffed crit trap damage which made survi better for 99% of content than marksmanship chinese patch !=us patch

If you nerf Explosive trap, which I am 100% for, then Hunters need buffed. Without the exploits, they’re complete trash tier, and that is unacceptable for a pure dps spec. DKs have 2 great dps specs.

Imagine them making mm now viable just nerf crit trap damage fix trap to always hit and make 5% improved tracking working for piercing shots would make mm propably good in late togc.
Dks have 2 great dps specs which doesn’t make them not fixing bugs tho?

Clearly that spaghetti code skill is too hard to fix, so it is not worth the effort.

The best thing they could do to DRW is make it a real Tank CD.

It’s really not hard to make it 50% of damage you have the same buff on AN basically so no shots it’s not easily fixable (and if you don’t wanna do it this way just do it a hard way and fix it the way it should be?). Changing DRW to tank CD is bad for wotlk since all specs was able to do dps and tank back in the day, which are right now. Fixing the bugs is actually way better than adding glyphs to the game although I’m really disappointed they didn’t make patch changes which would make game interesting and fresh like it was in old wrath.

They already tried and failed to fix it didnt they? I doubt a slight fix would do much for blood dps anyways.

It won’t be much but it would be honest work if you know what I mean,
DRW aa reduced is like 22 dps, DRW dots not critting with T9 is like 48 dps, DRW dots not resisting after it expires should be about 20 dps too, DRW not going for healing aggro is priceless.
DRW doing 50% of the damage (with arp scaling) would be strong and would neck the dps with frost and only kinda broken like warrior in bis icc/rs gear but yea that has been said it’s impossible.

I mean, just make it so that the DRW itself doesn’t do any damage, and buff the DK.

What are you even going on about now rofl.

Would be easier but spec is gatekept by some playerbase so any of changes made seem to be really hard for them, look at the wowhead article they said they took the bait to fix actual bug lmao which is pretty embarassing that some bearded old man wrote this.
Btw the thread was wrote by a feral druid with added glyph of omen that is propably working accurately for him for wotlk patch eyy lmao got him.

about go to retail, balance changes is freaking cringe for classic era, no one cares about your parse on 15 year old game, legit just 20 year old kids ruining classic era, legit go parse in mythics on retail that’s what that crap is made for.

Blizzard prob enjoys destroying classic so they can stop working on it and force people to play retail.