Can we fix blood DPS?

maybe compare yourself to a good DK, not me. a good DK will beat your output everytime

In 25m? Yeah, probably. In 10m with a Feral Druid, it’s going to be difficult for an Unholy DK to match the raid DPS I can provide on a lot of fights.

Either way, Blood is fine and is easier to play than Unholy is. There’s a lot of benefits to it and this meta gaming idea that is perpetuated all the way down to the lower percentile guilds is no bueno.

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but in a 10 man a good frost Dk should out dps you too.

I mean Kudos to you for playing the spec at such a high level that your guild allows you to play how you want. your guild has the benefit of bringing the player and not the class.

Depends on the fight. Take this Kologarn for instance. Once you include my UF damage, I provided as much raid DPS as the rank 1 Frost DK in the world. My gear isn’t even close to BiS and I wasn’t standing in the right position either, so my Heart Strikes were not cleaving at all. 92% of my damage was done directly to Kologarn:

Even if we had the 10% AP buff covered, going Frost would have made the kill slower.

Ohhh man, I don’t. I mess up my opener very badly, very often. If there were actual top players in top guilds playing Blood DPS, you’d see significantly better numbers than what I’m doing.

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I have been without my 10% AP buff and frost DK for 2 weeks now

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Dang dude. You have a MM Hunter, that 1 talent point for 10% raid AP is worth the 50g respec. You had 3 UH DK’s too, one of you should pick up the 20% attack speed. You could have even played some hybrid Blood spec and picked up both, kek. I’ve done it before, DPS blows but the raid is happy.

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I’m not sure this guy is a reputable source. Isn’t he the guy that continually copy/pastes other peoples content?

Moving on though, yea Blood will start to hopefully see an uptick in players as the phases move forward as it is dependent on Arp(but not to the point that you drop everything to get it). However if your trying to play Blood now good luck, your likely to get laughed out of any “serious” 25m, even if they haven’t downed 1light already =/. Part of that comes from the absolute trash that is the DK Discord & Wowhead not even mentioning the spec.

Paladins had 2 of the best specs in the game and they buffed ret, your point?

Cause healing and tanking are the same as dpsing, and paladins had other options for dpsing?

This is the worst take in the world on why you should buff blood. Please stop using it.

If DRW actually worked you would deal decent damage, but you can’t cherry-pick the one fight you are above awful at as an example of it being “okay.” You deal less damage than mediocre rets (who already do awful damage) but have superior support utility. The only real reason to play Blood DPS is if you don’t have one as a tank, don’t have an enhance and also do have a fdk.

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No one said there the same as tanking and that’s not the point I was trying to reply to. Dk tanks are arguably the worst ranked tanks currently in every metric behind ST threat generation. We have unholy which is a S tier dps and Frost which is high b / low a tier (dps ranking show it as 11th according to week 12 wowhead info and Blood dps isn’t even listed as a dps spec even though sim data has it listed that if DRW was fixed (it’s currently broken) that blood would be the top dk spec in ICC.

I think most of the dk’s here aren’t even asking for a buff, we’re asking for a bug fix because DRW is a huge CD and it has a bug preventing it working right. Why anyone would want to prevent a bug fix for any class / spec is puzzling to me.

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Ret offers way more support that a blood dk dps. It’s not even close. BOP, Salv, freedom, class specific buffs, huge emergency heal and spot healing, diving sac, replenishment, the list continues. With as much support as they can bring to a raid I’m totally fine with them being lower on the dps meters.

Do you actually think this is a valid retort?

Paladins had 0 good dps specs, and ret is still bad, way worse than frost and unholy. DKs have 2 very good dps specs including probably the best spec in the game currently. If blood dps needs a buff, so does arms, sub, MM, BM, frost mage, ele, shadow, balance, ret again…

I asked this earlier, but on what? Ele is beating blood by a lot of most Ulduar fights. It’s not remotely close on single target.

rofl you picked the literal best fight by a mile for blood dps to compare to the worst fight for frost DK outside Hodir/Vezax, you realize that?

Sounds like blood clearly does not need a dps buff.

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I wasn’t in the cleave position. 92% of my damage was done solely to Kologarn.


I’ve consistently stated that Blood DPS in 25m is lacking (still viable) but it’s actually decent in 10m with shorter fights and the possibility that you actually need the 10% AP buff.

In 10m, I’m not dealing less damage than mediocre rets.


I play it because:

1.) I enjoy it.
2.) It’s easy and has self-healing capability.
3.) It’s a motivational spec. No one wants to be below the Blood DK.

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Not really going to explain why Blood sims higher than ele or why ele performs higher in Ulduar. It’s not worth the time because it should be pretty easy to grasp if you’re familiar with Ulduar.

I’m just pointing out that blood isn’t necessarily as much of a meme spec as people make it out to be, it’s more of a niche right now.

Nonetheless, even if DRW wasn’t bugged and functioned properly, Blood DPS in Ulduar would still be a low tier DPS spec that most raids wouldn’t consider bringing.

I simply don’t believe that it does, or the blood sim is wildly inaccurate. Ele is destroying blood on single target encounters.

Very early on in wrath it did, they could pretty much one shot with heart strike/death strike, and DRW copied a lot more damage and was insane as well. This was gone by at least season 6, I don’t remember if it was changed in the middle of s5 though. Also unholy was still really good at the time blood could do that too.

I think we just need DRW to work properly and blood dk dps would be in a great spot. Right now you’re considering trolling for even saying the spec is viable.

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So it’s important to note here that blood is viable as a dps spec but one of our major cd’s is bugged (DRW) and not working as intended. We do not need a buff, we need our abilities to work correctly.

This is literally the only time you can play blood as a dps spec for us folks trying to have a bit of fun with it for nostalgia sake but without the class working as intended that’s just simple much harder than it needs to be.

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