Oh cmon now.
Ok, so what was your point? Cause when Blizzard made that stupid post telling rets to “spec holy or prot” it got noticeable harder to get into groups for anything as ret.
And I’m on board with it. Unless you want to go down the path warriors are on with “wah dey got new toys, can I has new toys?” in which case you can suck it.
I just want a working viable blood spec and this is obtainable without any sort of buff if they just fix DRW.
Blood DK tanks are currently regarded as the worst tank to bring, the lowest dmg output and the highest dmg input tanks currently. They also don’t bring half the utility and raid support that a pally or druid will bring.
Regarding the pally back and forth replies it was a dumb reply to me which I gave a dumb reply to and none of it has anything to do with the goal so best case scenario is just to let that die… also #$%^% pally’s “Evil Grin”.
Honestly, when I made this post I knew about the DRW bug, I just didn’t realize how bad it was and that fixing the DRW bug would solve the DPS issue.
Yeah I had assumed like most people that it was just some meme spec because I had been told that by everyone but it’s so close to being great. BC discord is quite toxic about even the prospect of blood dps being viable which has always been weird to me.
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Well I guess if it’s not the best it’s nothing kinda gameplay fosters that kind of thought, but honestly, I like to play the toon I like to play and maximize them as much as possible. Meta be damned
So I think it’s important to remember that Blood isn’t bad because it does low dmg. It’s low dmg because our burst cd (DRW) is bugged and not working properly. I think that’s a big distinction here when compared to a class that is working properly and just natively does low dmg even when optimized.
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Unholy was a viable tank. People even used it to solo content. It had a massive amount pf Death Strike healing, more than blood due to reaping though the heal is 15% just like blood is.
It just didnt have snap threat, but it absolutely was viable.
I used to farm battered hilts solo in H PoS with unholy.
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Video discussing the issues with DRW!
Blizzard, please fix the BUG and then blood is viable.
it’s almost like the dk disc is full of idiots that learned to play via memes
Bump to stay above the Fury war thread.
QQ it’s true. blizz only loves pally
Please fix DRW and give Blood dk’s some love.
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Blood DK only needs DRW fixed and we are in a good spot.
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Drw is bugged and blizzard hasn’t responded otherwise it would be 2nd highest DPS spec rn moving to highest during ICC because armorpen scaling
Unfortunately we all knew going into this blood would be tank. All the way back in classic vanilla when they decided to go the safe, boring, easy path of having the entire expansion play out on one patch.
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I mean… isn’t this kinda skewed? What’s the sample size of runeblade dks? In a 10 man….