Blood needs buffs, along with every other underperforming spec. Maybe some of the specs that aren’t underperforming too. Then we’ll buff the new worst specs, then nerf the best ones, and, and, and…
They definitely do. In the tanking department.
It does, I’m also not calling for buffs.
Tank imbalance is way, WAY WAY WORSE than dps imbalance and they’re buffing middle of the pack dps specs
To be fair, the feral change was probably meant to get rid of flowerweaving, which is absolute toxic gameplay that needed to be removed, and they figured they’d bump the damage a bit in the process to avoid neutering feral DPS.
I understand fixing the jankiness, I don’t understand a 10-20% buff in the process of doing that for a spec that was not even underperforming.
He might not of been aware that for some asnine reason Warcraft Logs has Blood DPS listed under “Runeblade” for parsing purposes. Blood DPS needs a buff, but it needs one that will not snowball out of control once we break into the 80%+ Armor Pen Range. Although I haven’t done many Ulduar HMs due to my guild imploding at the end of Phase 1, and the HM groups on my server not actually wanting a blood DPS. So I can’t say how much things like the HM Vezax sword will bump our DPS.
Give the poor multi-dollar company a break. They fired their entire QA team a long time ago so they can’t test their changes to know how much impact a change is going to have number wise.
neither you or the rune wpn benefit from diseases and they tick for nothing, and when drw fades the diseases tick for half. nothing ^2
healers too.
the entire meta will revolve around paladins abusing raid sac
I’ve been trying to show that kid facts but he refuses to even look at all of the tank buffs blood got by the time the patch we’re on currently, along side that HS got nerfed so it’s not doing the same damage as it was doing say 3.0-3.1 (we’re a patch after HS got nerfed and technically it’s not a patch number that even hit live wotlk).
Sooner that ICC hits the sooner people like Delimicus can go back crying under a rock cause their fav spec does crap damage.
You’ve posted nearly no facts whatsoever. Just subjective, uninformed opinions from a low level trolling character.
Blood was not slowly being converted into a tank only spec during WoTLK. It was decided that Blood would tank during Cataclysm and the decision went live as a tanking spec with that expansion. Not before Cataclysm, not piece by piece; with Cataclysm.
I’ve posted multiple blue posts confirming this and the response from one troll has been: “GHOSTCRAWLER WAS LYING!” The other just ignores it while continuing to lie.
Okay blood was overpowered dps at the very start By the time Ulduar hit blood was tank not dps
Posted patch notes which you ignored
Literally posted patch notes which you ignored
Again posted PATCH NOTES before cata that was making Blood the primary tanking spec with buffs to DS and numerous talents in the blood tree
“BuT GhOSt CraWLeR SAid”
You’re grasping at straws. Things get buffed, nerfed and changed, that doesn’t mean the intent was to slowly change the spec to get people accustomed to tanking or whatever conspiracy theory you’re conjuring up here.
Blood was made a tanking spec in Cataclysm, period.
10m Kologarn tonight. I wasn’t in the cleave spot and 92.03% of this was single target damage to Kologarn:
2,277 DPS from UF. Blood will be good DPS in ICC gear in 25m and it’s already decent enough in 10m, especially if you have a Feral Druid.
Are you seriously talking about how they moved Blood to using Death Strike as its UF rune spender instead of Obliterate (so they didn’t have to balance Obliterate damage for two specs) as indisputable proof the spec was being groomed into tank only? Seriously? Really? If you’re talking about the healing change yes, they made it heal the same as Unholy’s after they reworked it to heal off % HP instead of damage dealt (because when they buffed its damage, surprise, it was healing insane amounts as a DPS).
You are denser than diamond if you took these changes as “this spec is clearly only meant to tank now”.
i understand how it currently works. maybe learn to read better.
this isn’t a bad idea. it also buffs blood tank dps, which is sorely lacking.
I do 5.6 and only have 2 Bis as blood, so I’d bet there are those that do more
may as well not playing classic anymore, give us blood dps bruh, i’m stack full armor pen and be a blood dps n stuff.