They weren’t “moving” in that direction. Blood was a DPS/tank spec and was intended to be for all of WoTLK, just as the other specs. Cataclysm made Blood a tank spec. It wasn’t before Cataclysm, it was being done bit by bit during WoTLK; it was done for Cataclysm.
I agree to an extent that Blood has potential in ICC & ToC, where according to the github sim it will be performing on par with Ret / Fury, but they at least are a spec that the community doesn’t shun. Blood DPS is pretty shunned and you will be pressured to stop playing it if you attempt even casual hardmode raiding.
This is just a modern gaming mentality thing that at this point I’m not sure there’s a way to combat the stupidity of. “Not the best=garbage” is really ingrained in people at this point even though it really doesn’t matter most of the time.
Frankly if you can kill the boss every week how much dps everyone is doing is irrelevant, but people don’t look at it that way; they just want to get themselves off of the big number on the addon panel rather than care about the actual ingame accomplishment.
So viable that the top parses of blood are literally under half that of Unholy/Frost on nearly every fight. On Ignis 25 the top Blood DK is 5.6k DPS in a sub-2 minute kill.
Most fights they don’t break 6k. And if a couple do, it’s like 1 or 2.
Absolutely, positively. You can make whatever assertions you’d like, but the data shows you’re wrong, and this is due to Blizzard’s direction for the spec.
If it’s so viable, go prove it, I’m sure it will be simple for you. Incredibly competitive people want to set weird records on all kinds of fights, yet we don’t have a single outlier. Until then, you’re talking out of the planet behind Saturn.
I’m looking at actual data. You’re just being stubborn and irrational.
They absolutely do not keep up with warriors. Arms warriors are parsing nearly 10k DPS on Ignis. Even more hilariously, Prot warriors parse higher on Ignis than Blood DKs do.
Subtlety on XT parses like 80% of Assassination. Ok, that’s viable. Blood does not. Not remotely close.
I fully expect you to respond with another meaningless generalization that has nothing to do with actual data, because the data counters the claim you’re desperately attempting to make.
it wasnt crap back in the day iirc. when DRW applied diseases, you could death strike and heal more because you now have 4 diseases on them. now your DRW diseases dont count as yours. unless it changed to this in cata (its possible. im not 100%)
The top Blood DPS parse on 25m Ignis is 8,473 +266 from UF in a 2:21 kill. You can bow out of this conversation now that you’ve proven yourself absolutely clueless on the topic. Thanks.
You realize that this is how Blizzard has always worked when it comes to reworking specs/classes? They make big changes in the last patch of an expansion (in this case 3.3 where they heavily changed blood DK to have most of the tanking stuff and made frost and unholy more focused on damage) when they plan to change something, like making blood the de-facto tank spec. Even if they didn’t announce they were doing it, the writing was on the wall when 3.3 was announced and the patch notes became available. By that point of WotLK, blood became the de-facto tank spec.
Laying the foundation.
Yes, developers can lie, be wrong, or purposely mislead to hide what they are working on.
Because developers are humans, not omniscient saintly beings from another reality.
I’m going to believe the blue post from Ghostcrawler over you, sorry. Blood scales well in ICC gear, I’d propose the more likely reason they tuned down the damage in 3.3 was because of the prominence of ARP on ICC gear.
Try tuning down the ego and maybe you’ll be less distrusting of people and their motives.