Can we finally get playable the high elves?

That’s for Ethnicity. We can definitely agree, so far, all Elves share an ethnic background.

Racially they have physical characteristics highly distinguishable that we can group them separately. We can even go even further and say they even have different ethnic background because their culture may share a base background but has divergences.

I’m going to just stop talking to a wall and say, feelings are not facts. They are valid, you can feel what you like, but they are not facts.

You still cannot answer the question, Is a Shal’Dorei the same race as a Quel/Sin’Dorei? Why or why not? Which means you concede, the Ren’Dorei are not the same race because you cannot connect those dots either.

Mhm, and the definition you linked for race was rather vague on physical characteristics (probably because that’s extremely loaded) but adamant about bloodlines. The fantasy definition you also linked had a lot of qualifiers, but agreed on blood lines and one potential qualifier was cultural.

So we agree.

Yeah! Like fair skin and pointed ears… wait a sec

You realize the Night Elves and Nightborne have pale skin and pointed ears? Right?

If only there was some other kind of elf in the game that fits that description instead of your cherry picked examples :rofl:

(hint - you’re forum baiting as one right now)

Maybe I don’t know who you’re replying to? I’m confused.

Wouldn’t be the first time. Its alright

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So who are you replying to?

If your point was there’s paled skin pointed eared races in Azeroth, we got a bit of a list going.

Edit: I mean have you seen some of the Vulpera? Those are some pointy ears! They are in to nature, must be Elves like Sledgehammer suggests.

No shared blood or culture.

That we know of!

Trolls do, so they must be Elves too. They do worship Loa which are Wild Gods.

OMG, Trolls have been Elves this whole time!! Even High Elves!

Tauren have pointy ears and can become Druids… they share that culture, they even share the same blood line as being an original race of Azeroth… ELVES!

Are Pandaren Elves too? They have similar buildings like Night Elves and to a lesser extent High/Blood Elves. They know magic, like nature… ELVES!

Is this debate still going on?

Something to say about passion that’s for sure!

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For me it’s boredom and waiting to start a new job.

Plus it’s just fun to poke holes in folks who are being irrational. (I see the irony believe me)

I gave you a clear, concise definition of my interpretation of what race means when you first asked. I’ve dropped it a few more times.

Then you linked not one, but two definitions of race both agreeing with mine, as well as ethnicity for good measure.

I’m sorry if you’re still confused.

No one talking in this thread right now actually cares about the race.
This is just debate for the fun of it.

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I’m using your definitions deary.

Trolls, Tauren, Pandaren, and Elves all share a common blood line of being the original native races of Azeroth. They have many cultural links, like loving nature, being nomadic for some, some not. They all share the same history of Azeroth. Like Pandaren hid themselves like the Night Elves even. Whoa.

They are all ELVES.

Unless something makes them different? What could that be? My oh, my. Nah, they’re all Elves.

For the record, my basic takeaway is that we have high elves at home.

However, it’s also the first day I’ve been off work in two weeks and I have nothing to do but keep an ear out for the tones and do nothing.

It’s fantastic and I’m enjoying nattering about short elves.

Valid reasons all around. I got no skin in this game either way, I was merely curious.

Carry on lovely people!

Well, since you linked that definition agreeing with it, you sure showed me.

I suppose everyone is elves now. Well done.

So it’s decided and agreed upon.

Trolls, Tauren, Pandaren, Night Elves, Void Elves, Nightborne, and Blood/High Elves are all the same race.


Glad we cleared that up.

We’re mostly talking past each other, but it’s a lovely day, I have my phone out in the sun and I am doing nothing of socially redeeming value and it is glorious.

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