Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Lorash is a marker of when the Quel’Dorei became transformed and a new race IMO.

He probably inherited some of his Kal’Dorei parent’s immortality more so than generations down, I’d assume they also transformed at some point.

That would be my hypothesis for what he is.

Saying that, I really appreciated learning about him. I totally didn’t see him.

The tauren afterlife not being retconned into oblivion immediately after being discussed would have been a tragic loss for us all.

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According to Shadowlands Lore, we did not see all the afterlives.

Just those 4.

Considering we barely saw the Troll’s but know it’s within the Winter Queen’s realm etc. etc.

I hope that gives you a bit more context for some of my comments, then.

Sorry, I sometimes forget not everyone is quite as into the lore as me… or as inclined to nitpick over being precise.

I don’t know why you think you’re being precise?

Can you elucidate that?

From my vantage point, you’re being obtuse.

Yeah, but we also see tauren in Bastion and Ardenweald so that was a really quick turnaround.

I really didn’t like Shadowlands is my point

Definitions of race, species, being cranky over the use of the term genetic markers, asking for clarification of meaning, chiming in with a lot of “well, actually”… the usual.

Well you use the definition of Ethnicity for Race which is why you think an Adopted Human in an Elven family is an Elf.

See the Wikipedia page on Character Race for fantasy.

“Character race can refer to a fictitious species from a fictional universe, or a real people, especially in case of a history-based universe (even if it has a given level of fantasy). The term “race” is even broader than the usual meaning, as it also includes creatures such as extraterrestrial beings, vegetal beings, and robots.”

I’m using primarily how Blizzard/WoW have used race, when a permanent magically transformation occurs (Dwarf to Dark Iron; Kal’Dorei to Shal’Dorei and Quel/Sin’Dorei; Earthen to Dwarf; Mechagnomes to Gnomes (not the ones trying to make them it) and on and on).

This is why we can be consistent and you cannot be.

Yours is anything but precise and why you cannot show how a Shal’Dorei is the same race as a Quel/Sin’Dorei, merely, they can be relatives. Runeleaf and I do not even dispute that because that’s more ethnic than racial.

Your definition of race, if I scroll up, is significant magical influence and possibly language spoken.

Runeleaf is defining it as physical distinctiveness.

I prefer to use cultural influences and a shared bloodline, and of course what the individuals label themselves as.

None of these are empirically correct but then, there’s no empirical definition of race. So it’s certainly subject to interpretation and our personal preferences.

Bring back the Vanilla High Elf model. Those were the real High elves not the Blood Elves that they turned them into TBC

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“I prefer to use cultural influences and a shared bloodline, and of course what the individuals label themselves as.”- Sledgehammer

Definitions for Ethnicity:

“the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.”

“a large group of people with a shared culture, language, history, set of traditions, etc., or the fact of belonging to one of these groups.”

1 a : of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background
B : being a member of a specified ethnic group
an ethnic German
c : of, relating to, or characteristic of a minority ethnic group"

“the fact of belonging to a particular ethnic group (= a group of people that share a cultural tradition)”

You are not using the word correctly. I’m done.

So you just confirmed my point.

Thank you very much for verifying that race and ethnicity can be used interchangeably.

That definitely needed doing and wasn’t common linguistic knowledge.

No they cannot be. For instance, Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnicity.

“any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry”

EDIT: I grew up in Japan majority of my life. I am not racially Asian. What is my ethnicity what is my race? (This is a truth btw).

Often. Shared ancestry.

There we go! Thank you for providing the definition.

Now you just look stupid. I am very much done.

Honestly? I’d ask you.

And I’d probably go with whatever you labeled yourself as.

I’m rather sure I don’t, but I’m sorry you feel that way.

Fine, I’m Asian.

I have blonde hair and a red beard, green eyes, of European descent, with pale skin. My parents are both American Born with Brown Hair, brown eyes, and of primarily European English decent.

But I am going to mark Asian from now on.

I may “feel” that way sure. Just like you “feel” you aren’t looking that way or don’t sound like an idiot.

Factually, you aren’t using definitions presented to you correctly from objective sources.

I am, actually.

The shared bloodline and cultural bit is exactly what I’ve been saying all along.

I was under the impression that was common linguistics, but if you need further clarification on my views, I’ve got time today. For the moment.