Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Lol, good lord suddenly I have a lot of characters that are the same race. :scream: :scream: :scream:


Yeah, it’s funny because the more you make Sledge explain themselves the more wild and wild their reasoning gets. It quickly approaches Nef’s line of logic. One moment Shal’dorei are the same as Sin’dorei, but in order for them to try to justify that they end claiming so are humans, taurens, night elves. The moment their example no longer works, they jump to the next wacky reason until inevitably they start talking about their cats.

It’s amusing if anything lol


Alliance Quel’dorei, at least the ones who appear to be spoken about on this thread and I am confirming to refer to, are not Sin’dorei politically nor were part of the Sin’dorei storyline that has taken root for the player character Sin’dorei since their in-game introduction. Unless they were former Sin’dorei who were expelled from the Horde when they turned to play with Void.

These are not the type of Quel’dorei individuals are requesting here. We are requesting non-void affiliated, traditional Alliance Quel’dorei - Silver Covenant and Highvale come to mind.

But what about Alliance Sin’dorei in RP? I have seen some RP where people identify as Alliance Sin’dorei, still calling themselves Children of the Blood (taking ‘Sin’dorei’ literally versus the political POV) in their grief over fallen Quel’dorei in the fall of Quel’thalas. They are far and few between, To typically not super well-received in the RP community from my experiences. To reiterate: these are RP characters and not canon.

Quel’dorei are Quel’dorei and the other two - Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei, branched off in their own respective ways. Whereas factions of individuals like the Silver Covenant and the Quel’Danil (Highvale) people are traditional Alliance Quel’dorei.

But Quel’dorei are Kaldorei! But Quel’dorei are Trolls! We can also go back further into the Quel’dorei evolution tree and say ‘All Quel’dorei descend from Kaldorei Highborne. All Quel’dorei descend from trolls.’ So on and so forth.

But Ren’dorei are an Allied Race! I get tripped up on Ren’dorei being their own race (void-touched Quel’dorei), but must respect it as an Allied Race officially rolled out by Blizzard, similarly to how Kul Tiran humans are an allied 'new race.':face_with_hand_over_mouth:

To divulge so there is mutual understanding:

The high elves, or quel’dorei (“children of noble birth” in Darnassian and Thalassian), are a race descended from the night elf Highborne who left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms, founding Quel’Thalas.

Void elves (or ren’dorei, “children of the Void” in Thalassian) are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. Their origins lie with a group of blood elves following Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City because of their research into the Void.

The blood elves (or sin’dorei, “children of the blood” in Thalassian) are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. Their new name is a dirge, referencing both the blood of their many brethren who fell during the Third War, and their royal lineage.

High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political.
Source: The Warcraft Encyclopedia from the World of Warcraft official website written by Blizzard.


I got it, you want Alliance Blood Elves because the Sin’Dorei are the Quel’Dorei. There was no branch, nothing changed for them. They continued with the traditions and customs of the Quel’Dorei. I mean is red paint really that big of a deal? It looks better with the eternal Autumn of Eversong anyway.

Now those Alliance Blood Elves/Sin’Dorei who converse and marry humans
over their own people
 refusing to return
 my oh my. Silver Covenant Blood Elves who attempted to massively slaughter Horde and their own people, just a disgrace. How do they continue to even call themselves Elven shrugs.

The Quel’Dorei remain within the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas in Silvermoon, we did not branch off. We merely honor our fallen and say we are Sin’Dorei. I get that you want to play Alliance Blood Elves, I do. It’s painfully clear to me.


You’ll note I’m not the one who said any of that.

And that every source he linked confirmed my definition of race.

Or you won’t. As you wish.

We all understand Sledgehammer that you think Trolls, Tauren, Pandaren, Night Elves, Void Elves, Nightborne, and Blood/High Elves are all the same race.

Traditional is a really weird thing to say considering Quel’thalas was only part of the Alliance for a couple of years of their 7000 year long history and were only part of the Alliance because Lothar invoked an ancient pact. With the high elves doing the bear minimum to satisfy the pact and then leaving the Alliance soon after Lothar’s death.

The default state of Quel’thalas is isolation, not Alliance.


That’s your words, not mine.

And you’re welcome to hold that view!

It’s your definition! They have a shared culture and ancestry.

Gnomes, Humans, and Dwarves are even the same race according to you! Titan forged folks with that common background of the Curse of Flesh. I know there’s more out there, can you help me?

This is getting silly now.

Lets move this on to something with a bit more meat to it.

Telogrus rift seems to have lost its high elf npcs.
Could this be due to a high elf story coming up in midnight?

Also, Telogrus has gained a couple of named npcs from silvermoon. So our blood elven members are growing.


If that’s what you want to call it, well, it’s your argument that they’re all the same.

Not mine, since I never made that claim.

You, however, did. And you’re welcome to it.

Please do us all a favor and look up what blood elf means and why it means that, as well as why the void elves are void elves.

Like reading your replies is just
 oof. You aren’t even trying to be a good troll lol.

I just finished up the troll heritage, and I’m doing the draenei now. I’ll get to the elf stuff down the road.

I am hyped about that dark ranger, though. They were always such an odd edition to void elves, and it’s great to get context for them.

“I prefer to use cultural influences and a shared bloodline, and of course what the individuals label themselves as.” - Sledgehammer

Really? It’s me?

Umm I know all that, talk to Sledgehammer.

Yeah it may just be one npc.
But its nice to have undead void elves in lore now

I also think Blizzard is reserving High Elves (allied race or new customizations) for the Midnight expansion.


You took what they said and completely twisted it and stretched it to the extreme and are being obnoxiously facetious.

If you can quote directly what they said, then fine. Ill bite.

Yeah im not sure what theyre going to do, but i really hope it puts this discussion to bed once and for all

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If I have one ongoing complaint about void elves, it’s that they’re very light on lore. So getting some delicious context, and the knowledge that new elves can undergo the rite, is fantastic.

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