Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Thats what you quoted me saying XD

Anyway, void elves are also using a technique.

lol . . yea, more dwarves, oh joy.

Dang skippy.

Though we could still use Wildhammer proper.

Then walk me through it and color it because all you did was go: Theyā€™re all elves.

You then used ethnicity to define race.

I let you walk yourself off a cliff.

I think itā€™d be nice but given the lore, the only thing that really separates Wildhammers from Ironforge is they are ā€œnormallyā€ bigger and coloration. Yet Blizzard never did that with the Model and I think walked that back.

Dark Iron are transformed.

Personally, I would define race as a common cultural background and shared blood.

In this setting, anyway.

I believe Runeleaf prefers to define it as shared physical characteristics, hence her putting demon hunters and the rest of them as not members of the blood elf race.

I dont want high elves for the Alliance, i just want better hair styles so my elf doesnt look like a 40 year old that works in retail.

So all Elves are actually racially Dark Trolls by your definition.

Whatā€™s more inane is, you are using the definition for ethnicity.

This is why our understanding is rational and consistent, we base it on evidence and logic.

Yours clearly is ā€œfeels/feelingsā€ which are irrational.

Eh. Depends on the cultural background.

For instance, I would define a hypothetical 10,000 year old blood elf born in Suramar as a night elf as the same race as his 10,000 year old sister, a Nightborn.

I would be more reluctant to say that a 50 year old blood elf born in Silvermoon is the same race as a Nightborn though.

But we are talking fantasy species and logic.

Again, thatā€™s ethnicity, not race.

They share a blood line, so what? Iā€™m not sure but I believe Quel/Sinā€™Dorei have shortened life spans compared to the Kalā€™Dorei or Shalā€™Dorei.

Againā€¦ showing they are not the sameā€¦ race.

EDIT: Even by your definition, the 50 year old Blood Elf has WAY more in common culturally with the Nightborne and same lineage, so would be the same race, according to you.

Yours is based in feelings and itā€™s very clear that it is.

I might agree with you, if race had a set definition.

As weā€™ve seen in this very thread, it doesnā€™t and people absolutely utilize it to justify their preferred narrative.

And if we apply things with an empirical definition, like speciesā€¦ well, then the meat robots and the short trolls are the same species because the setting is just Like That.

Up until the BFA prepatch, that was true.

Now, however, we have at least one blood elf who remembers the event of ten thousand years ago personally.

Heā€™s currently a dark ranger so I suppose by Runeleafā€™s definition, heā€™s swapped race at least 3 times.

No, Runeleaf and I understand the fantasy concept of Undeath/Undead.

Your lot do not and look insane.

According to Lightsped that character is not a Quelā€™Dorei heā€™s a Kalā€™Dorei (parents), according to you, heā€™s a Kalā€™Dorei because heā€™d be more culturally a Highborne of the Kalā€™Dorei.

We make the sense here.

Who, exactly, do you think my lot is?

Those who cannot accept that the Renā€™Dorei are a different race to the Sin/Quelā€™Dorei. And/Or do not accept that the Sinā€™Dorei never changed from being racially the Quelā€™Dorei.

Interesting interpretation.

To which? I looked up that NPC, thank you for showing him to me :slight_smile:

Lorash is anā€¦ interesting one. Heā€™s a mess of retcons.

Iā€™m not sure I like him being canon or what he means for it, but if the lore ran entirely off of what I liked, weā€™dā€¦ well, weā€™d never have had Shadowlands anyway.

What a tragic loss that would have beenā€¦

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