Can we finally get playable the high elves?



Yes completely possible to do.

A Silver Convenant Blood Elf saw that Vareesa’s love for the humans exceeded her love for her people and refused to commit genocide, left Dalaran, and then rejoined with their people in Silvermoon. You just have to make a Blood Elf because they are the High Elves.

My own head cannon, this character is an Archmage of Dalaran, lived their for for a long time, did not approve of siphoning magic from living creatures, saw the restoration of the Sunwell, supported the Sunreavers, joined them, and was expelled with them. He just has no problem with a name change, and still refers to himself as a Quel’Dorei depending on context, but has embraced the banner of the Sin’Dorei.

If you’re wanting to play Alliance Blood Elves, I don’t know if that’ll come to pass.

High Elves are Blood Elves without magic addiction. You have the tools now in game to make them look like exactly like normal High Elves. You can do the same thing with Void Elves if you are Alliance , the rest is up to you it’s called Imagination and Role Play.

Just ignore all those voidy bits, void inflected voice, being banned from Silvermoon, and bleeding purple :smiley:. Nothing to see here.

All Elves have a magic addiction, they are all satiated differently:

Night Elves = Moonwells
High/Blood Elves = Sunwell
Nightborne = Nightwell and now Arcan’dor (ley line energy)
Void Elves = Being infused/connected to the Void

A potentially interbreeding (as of current events) population that where individuals could be siblings with members of the other subgroups?

What a whacky definition.

A goblin can marry a gnome, that doesn’t mean they’re gonna have a goblin/gnome baby. I’m not sure why you believe them getting together means they’re the same species.

Humans have bred with elves, are we to say they’re the same species as well?

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Why do you think that, say, a blood elf who learned a technique that permanently changed their body and infused them with dangerous magic is potentially a different race than the blood elf who stayed home and studied gardening?

I’d say when your blood changes a different color, and you start to sprout tentacles off your head, then yes, you’ve changed on a genetic level.

Still don’t know why you’re under the impression that two members of different races breeding together has any indication that they’re the same race.


If they produce fertile offspring, which thanks to the Arathi, we know they do… by earth’s biology, yeah, that would make humans and elves the same species.

Obviously things are different on Azeroth because humans are robots cursed to be meaty and elves are trolls cursed to be short.

I was talking about a demon hunter.

So you’re implying that Shal’dorei are the same to Blood Elves and High elves as a human is? Wow your logic gets wackier and wackier.

Well, species is a very different concept from race, which is a meaningless fantasy catchall with varying definitions. Species has a real world definition.

It doesn’t even matter, when you’re forced broaden your scope to include humans to make any point, it defeats the purpose of what you’re even saying.

In that case, everyone in wow is the same as High elf.

Though maybe you’re talking demon hunter too, if you change tentacles for scales and horns.

That’s kind of my point, yeah.

The changes to DH was enough for the Blood elves to shun them from society, so clearly to them at least it was a big enough division. But at the very least Demon hunters still have red blood (at least the Blood elves do.) and only show outward corruption, where as the Void elves have been changed entirely.

Citation needed on that corruption level on demon hunters.

On what part? You can see their blood when they’re hit, it’s red. When a void elf is hit, their blood is purple.

Demon hunters are fundamentally changed by the magic they’ve been exposed to.

Also, their blood color depends on what form they’re in at the moment because they have a demon form, too.

Shadow priests have a void form as well, there’s also stoneform. But a demon hunter themselves has normal elven blood. A void elf, even in base form has purple blood.

Even warlocks could turn into demons at one point, I suppose you’d consider them also changed fundamentally by their magic?

So you want to define race by blood color?

And here I thought you didn’t like humans and elves being the same!

I kid, I kid.

But this is my point. Unlike species, race is one of those meaningless fantasty terms that doesn’t have a set definition. If you define it as cultural practices, or magical influence, or I guess blood color, you can make all kinds of outgroups.