Can we finally get playable the high elves?


You’re only splitting hairs. Wow classifies races by their genetic and physical distinctions, which is why a Shal’dorei is not considered a Night elf because we can clearly see the genetic markers that magic has had on their bodies.

Blood elves and High elves are identical.

A Void elf is not genetically the same to a Blood elf is and a High elf, where there’s really no difference. So you cannot tell people that classify it as such that they’re wrong just because you believe there are more ways than one to classify a race.

For example.

If a blood elf has a child with a high elf, it’s just a full-blooded elf. If a Void elf has a child with a Blood elf or High elf, it’s likely going to be half void elf. Meaning those genetic markers will be carried down, because it’s ingrained in their blood.

Do we have any void elf children or is that just speculation?

We know the worgen curse, another instance of magic fundamentally changing an individual and generating intrusive thoughts, doesn’t breed true.

Speculation on what? We can see the physical and genetic markers between a Void elf and a standard Thalassian elf. There is no such distinction between Blood elves and High elves. It would be one thing if what happened to Void elves was an elven thing like how they change eye color, but developing purple blood and sprouting tentacles is clearly a sign that the Void has changed them on a genetic level.

It would depend on the type of magic, a curse is set on a specific individual, the void is not bound by restrictions. Stop with the confirmation bias, it’s getting ridiculous. lol

Agreed, I usually mention the blue glowing in addition to the blood and bad hairstyles rather than the tentacles but that’s a valid point I’ll add to my own list from here on out.

I feel like once you start sprouting appendages like tentacles, which are certainly not elven characteristics, you begin to classify as a separate race.

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Can we… see the genetic markers or is that just speculation?

I think we already went over them?

I do find the goal-post jumping amusing though lol

So anyway.

You could have a trio of blood elves who were forced through or voluntarily underwent a ritual that fundamentally changed them. Infused their being with a corruptive, dangerous magic that leads to intrusive thoughts and grants them new, dangerous abilities and changed their appearance.

If you’re comfortable saying that changes their race, like the mage in the Kirin Tor tabard, then all well and dandy. Race is very much a made up term.

So you’re making a wild guess based on no data and presenting it as a fact.

I dont think you meant to say genetic marker.
Because a genetic marker is not a developed trait shown on a person.
A genetic marker is a dna sequence.
And we sure as heck dont have knowledge of that :stuck_out_tongue:

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I may be a little too nitpicky.

I’ll be nicer.

Green eyes are not glowy fel eyes by default. I think you may be mistaking these two?

Per Tides of Darkness (the book), every elf has an iris color behind the eye glow we see in game. Lor’themar has brown eyes, while Sylvanas has a blue-gray (Look at SL cutscene) and Vereesa with blue; I would love to have iris colors available to all elves and an ability to turn off the glow. I always thought the concept of them being ‘attuned’ to something like arcane gave their eyes a blue glow, similarly to the Sunwell with gold glow and fel with green glow.

An excerpt from the ToD novel with some more context. Bolded where she has green eyes. I can do this for each main character (Lor’themar, Sylvanas, Alleria, Vereesa) for their ‘true’ iris color.

She wore forest green and oak brown, a strange lightweight breastplate over shirt and breeches and a long cloak with the hood tossed back, and leather gloves covered her arms to the elbow just as boots protected her legs to the knees. A slim sword hung at one hip, a pouch and horn at the other, and across her back were slung a longbow and a quiver of arrows.

Lothar had seen many women over the years, some of them as beautiful as this elf approaching them, but he had never seen one who so easily combined strength and grace. He could understand why several of his companions already seemed smitten. “Milady,” Lothar called out when she was still a few paces away. “Welcome. I am Anduin Lothar, commander of the Alliance of Lordaeron.” he nodded, covering the remaining distance and stopping only a handspan away.

From here he could see the pointed ears poking up through her hair, and the wide, emerald-green eyes that slanted up at the corners. "I am Alleria Windrunner, and I bring you greetings from Anasterian Sunstrider and the Council of Silvermoon." Her voice was lovely, musical and rich, and Lothar suspected it was pleasant even in anger.

I consider Quel’dorei to branch out into the political affiliation of Sin’dorei and also branched off to Ren’dorei. I do not want Alliance Sin’dorei as this affiliation makes no sense given the lore. I want our traditional Alliance Quel’dorei that do exist within the world and have been an Alliance ally multiple times.

(Thank you for this topic, by the way! I love this thread.)


No, we can clearly see the genetic differences physically. Aspects and traits that are not elven, but void-generated. They, themselves have said they’ve been changed.

I’m sorry you’re in denial. lol

I can be very literal.

We can see physical traits.

So are you defining race based off of physical differences, then?

And where do death knights/dark rangers fall?

I dont think its nitpicky when scientific terms as thrown in.
Especially when there is not any source at all that mentions anything about void elf dna.
Any comments on their dna or potential children are completely hypothetical and theoretical. And theres nothing wrong in pointing that out :slight_smile:

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" Race refers to the concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics "

Which is the literal definition of the word, so yes, I would define them as a separate race on the basis that they have developed physical characteristics that separate them from High elves and Blood elves.

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Meh, that definition is used for Caucasian, Asian etc.

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Not mutually exclusive, especially when we take into the account that this is a game world where those terms would still apply.

It only applies to cacuasions and asians etc because we do not have Orcs, Elves in real life.

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It is trying to put the definition of one concept on top of another concept.

But if you want to say that void elves are a different race to high elves in the same way that Caucasian is different to Asian as a race, then yeah, I wouldn’t disagree there.

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It really isn’t, the physical characteristics that make up each race is how we define and identify each other.

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