Can we finally get playable the high elves?

okay so you claimed earlier that rendorei were magically mutated. what the heck do you call a body thats in some magical state of being schroedinger’s cat?

Oh no no no my deary. I do not say they are magically mutated.

The lore states they are magically transformed permanently.

See my question: If you can show me how Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei, you will sell me on how they are also Ren’Dorei.



Oh no.

I have a mutation, I don’t have hair on my first knuckle, some men (and few women do). I can roll my tongue, I have blonde hair and a red beard. <— Mutations

I didn’t transform in to a new species or race, permanently. I can transform my hair, not permanently.


Furthermore, if we’re talking biologically.

Humans transformed from a Primate Ancestor through small mutations over a long period of time.

That’s how you’d use those words.

Void Elves have LOTS of mutations at once and were transformed magically (which means time was not needed) to be something different.


a transformation requires change, and this is done through mutation. you said magical, so magical mutation. undead are magically mutated, unless you mean to say they arent transformed from dead to dead and not dead, at same time

Okay again, you are not understanding mutation. Void Elves blood now purple = Mutation.

Undead not needing to breath = not a mutation. Undead being smelly, not a mutation. etc. etc. All these things come with being Dead. Undeath is not a new race.

You cannot compare and contrast these, it’s apples and oranges.


and undead dont either. dead, suddenly not dead but not life either. no long evolutionary process

Yes… in a world with magic, a lot of things are possible that wouldn’t be real.

Like overnight a new race comes out of a void box.


just proving that your criteria for not a high elf is not consistent since high elf undead are still high elf, presumably because they had high elf parents

Well firstly, we speculate that some Void Elves were High Elves (the ones who didn’t rejoin their people), this is not confirmed. If you want to go down that road, most of us have just been giving that to you. You know why? Because most of us in my camp recognize Blood Elves as High Elves.

Secondly, I am consistent.

When did the first Quel’Dorei or High Elf stop being a Kal’Dorei or Night Elf? Since their parents were Kal’Dorei/Night Elves?

I’m the one who’s being consistent.

Square this for me and you’ll be fine, honestly:

If you can show me how Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei, you will sell me on how they are also Ren’Dorei.


They’re the same population if they’re an older elf, which, thanks to that retcon abomination Lorash, we know is entirely possible.

When you just see Elves as Elves, it is that simple :slight_smile:.

I’m going to bed now, if you can square that question, I’d be very curious to the answer, outside of just saying they’re all Elves/Quel’Dorei/Highborne because that defeats the purpose of even having qualifying differences between a Ren’Dorei, Shal’Dorei, Quel/Sin’Dorei, or Kal’Dorei.

No, we already got blood elves, who were transformed into void elves.

People asking playable the high elves Silver covenant to be precise.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: … Which are Alliance Blood Elves.

Please refer to the statement made on that particular subject, initially made as my first reply upon this thread:

As I’ve said before:

Contrary to the belief of many Helfers — The Blood Elves being named such has nothing to do with the fel, culture or even the Horde. Their name is to do with honouring their people.

A political difference, doesn’t equal to new race …
:joy: Otherwise you’d have tonnes of every variant of race there is to have :joy:


To further this point, they took the name blood elves shortly after the 3rd war. The blood elves joined the Alliance after renaming themselves and Garithos tried to get them killed.

This was also before Kael’thas had gone to Outland and acquired fel crystals.

Being Horde and being around fel magic have exactly nothing to do with being blood elves.

  • Maybe if you drink some beer as blood elf then you’ll finaly play as “HIGH” Elf
  • Ha Ha kill me
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after blizz release Centaur allied race.

Aren’t Belfs high elves, i keep being confused by the high elf posts lol


Wait, are you honestly implying Shal’dorei are the same race as Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei? Well boy, this certainly explains your logic. You have a bad tendency for confirmation bias. lol