Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Blood Elf DKs are Undead. DH Blood Elves are using a technique and do not permanently transform.

You call the Void Elf transformation just surface? That is delusional. If you do not train yourself, you will be overcome by the Void and die.

Quel/Sin’Dorei do not deal with that.

Blood Elf Shadow priests are probably near to non-existent, you are aware of how the Human one was banished and outcasted to only have the Forsaken take her teachings?

A Void Elf Holy/Discipline Priest is non-cannon. Alleria cannot touch Turalyon while using/embracing the void etc.


are they blood elf if they are undead?

One of these days I’m going to pull one of those. My elves just have a complicated web of best friends and rivals.

They are Undead Blood Elves.

Like Forsaken are Undead Humans.

And on and on the list goes.

They are Undead, it is a state.

Like true classic Sun Elves !

Though I like the DnD Moon Elves more.

(Furbolg/Forest Gnome are my fav). My first BG3 char was a Forest Gnome Druid. :slight_smile:

how are they undead? is something magical keeping them from being dead? you know where this is going

I do, but just because you are Undead, your race didn’t change. Undeath is vastly different than a fully alive being being permanently transformed.

Are Worgen no longer human?

i’m not the one arguing that magic mutation means not same race. you are.

Undead is not a magic mutation or transformation.

Again, are Worgen no longer human?


The Wrath Silver Covenant, created by the Kirin Tor to keep the Sunreavers contained, were not only Blue Eyed Thalassian Elves. There are 51 named Silver Covenant members, of these Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and Night Elves are also represented.

Human -

Dwarf -

Gnome -

Night Elf -


how then arent they dead, since they are magically mutated to be undead. when a person is magically raised into undeath, they are magically mutated. not hard to grasp

Do you know what a mutation is?

How is a risen corpse a mutation?

i didnt say mutation, i said magic mutation

What magic mutation? Again, do you know what a mutation is? How is a risen corpse a magical mutation? What mutated?

I’ll say this again. If you can show me how Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei, you will sell me on how they are also Ren’Dorei.

Until then, any argument you pose must mete that measure because it is the same circumstances.


they are alive even though they are dead, thus undead. done via magic, which takes their dead bodies and reanimates them, this is a clear magical mutation as their cells are actually dead. something magical must’ve bypassed the normal energy pathways to maintain cells and this means magical mutation, heck most of their souls were sucked into frostmourne, then stuffed back in their dead bodies that are then trundling around as if they had normal physiology

@ The Mutants subject:

:eyes: Well, funny enough actually – Yeah, they’re considered different from human.
Both from Charles Xavier’s mindset, Magneto’s and even their haters. :grimacing:

… It’s quite literally to why they refer themselves as ‘Mutants’ and ‘Mutant-kind’.
The show X-Men '97 establishes this particularly well. :slight_smile:

As for:

If a real human, went through some sort of transformation, where they glowed black, had a different otherworldly voice, and may have weird tentacles coming out of their head, would we consider them human?

I mean if they’re changed so drastically, that the malignant transformation changes them on a genetic & cosmic level … Yeah, they’d probably be considered some thing new :joy:

Otherwise you may as well be arguing that elves aren’t elves — They’re still actually just trolls, and should be continued to be called as such. :person_shrugging:


Okay, so when I case Sheep on a creature/Humanoid. They are magically mutated ? But they aren’t a sheep now? They’re still the same race? Get to move around like their normal racial bits do, etc. Yep… that is how that spell works.

SO what you’re telling me is, when the Void Elves were magically mutated permanently, they were magically mutated and can revert back to their race???

Because Undead are not a race, you know that right?

(A world of Magic, totally makes it hard to use magic to form an argument btw, because well magic)


is an undead body alive?

Undeath is the state between being Alive and Dead according to majority of the fantasy genre.

EDIT: I have no idea where you’re going with this because although a permanent magical spell is on them, it is not changing their race. It’s why gameplay/mechanically you get your racial abilities.

Blonde hair and blue eyes is all that makes a “high” elf. It always feels creepy people are so gung ho about this combo and yet it’s in game. You want to see it in the tooltip? Get TRP3 and change it to High Elf. Fixed for you.