Can we finally get playable the high elves?

They’d be one Species. It’d be really hard to use Biological terms strongly in a world of magic (the evolution being like over night? or who knows, they haven’t really shared how the Shal’Dorei and Quel/Sin’Dorei changed, we just saw the Ren’Dorei did it over a few years).


I would not and Lor’themar did not deny the Ren’Dorei their heritage, it just was discovered they (Ren’Dorei) were a danger to the very existence and future of their people and race. (and the Quel/Sin’Dorei are Light/Sun Worshippers so no real surprise).

Even in Alleria’s story at the beginning talks about that internal struggle of loving her people and not wanting to be there, fearing how she can bring them ruin because of her change.


It all depends on how you want to parse it.

I have biologist friends, I know how they’d parse it. I’m using it. Ren’Dorei would be another branch.


how? we are nearly identical and same pool of helf parents

I cannot hear whisper, glow voidy, have a voidy speech, jump through void portals, etc. without maybe a spell. You naturally do these things.

Also, you don’t rely on the Sunwell to satiate your magical needs anymore. We are not the same.

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we are what the writers choose or will choose

there is no all mighty text saying this is how it is

retcons are a thing.

and there are many regarding thalassian elves

Technically I have this going in my stories! My old main Fezzy has a large family and many of its branches survived to today. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Fenelon is not related though.)


play a shadow priest and turn up the sound

play a shadow priest

we have mutated voice boxes apparently. i take it belfs have voice boxes, too. are belf dks still belfs? they have mutated voice boxes

this is the only thing unique to velfs and its not a proc. we still gotta cast it

I have already made this point before and you can read it above.

The Quel/Sin’Dorei are Light/Sun worshippers, they disdain the Shadow/Void.

A PC can be a Shadow Priest, but for Quel/Sin’Dorei society they would remain hidden.


Oh no, lore wise, they bleed purple too. I do not bleed purple.

A lot has changed for them. You gotta keep up.

EDIT: The void thing is not a spell, it is when you are fully embracing the Void (much like Void Form except it’s not a spell).


but youd still be a belf. same for belf warlock forms., still belf.

I do not disagree with this.

Blood/High Elf DHs are still the same race.


what i mean is, i dont just spawn random portals. i must intentionally cast it

Hmmm we could splice this, based on my understanding, it’s not spells, it’s a rift of some sort. But sure, you cast it.

I still can’t be doing that stuff just where/whenever.

I use an arcane ability.

so differences in your list are shared with belf dks and belf shadow priests. and for casted portals, belf mages, if you’re referring to our limited blink-like ability. where we differ is mostly surface, such as skin color and potential for tentacle infestation. before we were gifted the ability to not have tentacles in our hair, we had at least one style with no tentacles. so its potential, like a random mutation. and blood color.

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You are aware, the lore is:

Void Elves went through a Permanent Transformation, right?

If you want to run around RPing, do so at your hearts content.

Just mechanically/gameplay wise, you’re playing a different race. If you want to mechanicallyl/gameplay wise be a High Elf, you’re looking at one.


but i showed how your list does not mean i am not of helf parentage. so now you’re saying, list doesnt matter cause name, which is same issue you face when people say you arent helf, despite both parents being helf lol

Uh no, I did not deny who your parents were.

SO when did the first Quel’Dorei (HElf) stop being a Kal’Dorei (NElf)? Because their parents were Kal’Dorei. Are you a Kal’Dorei? Why or why not?

I even made sure you understood what those terms were.


but rendorei same bone structure, same height, same predisposition to magic addiction, same part of the world. most differences are surface, like skin color change and potential for tentactles. we are glorified belf shadow priests with belf dk sound modulation. the blood is the biggest difference since magic source doesnt mean belf dhs, belf dks, belf shadow priests, arent belfs