Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Yes, it’s not a unique race. It’s literally just High Elves that renamed to pay respect to the fallen. We are High Elves.


dodging my question. the point is, if a sindorei is a helf because their parents were helfs, why cant a velf, whos parents were also helfs, be a helf?

I am not dodging.

I’m showing you a fallacy with your own logic.

IF you are saying Ren’Dorei are the same race (Quel/Sin’Dorei) because of their parents.

Then you are also saying all Shal’Dorei are the same race as Kal’Dorei. The first Quel’Dorei were still Kal’Dorei, when did they change race? Because the first’s parents were Kal’Dorei. When did they become a new race? The first Kal’Dorei’s parents were trolls, when did they change from being Trolls?

It is illogical.

Why are they a different race? See my logic holds for BOTH scenarios/situations/changes, there was a large/huge/major magical transformation to a new race.


well isnt that your argument? that you are helf cause your parents were helf, that its your racial heritage, your race? how come you get to have a racial heritage but i dont?

My argument is my character’s race never changed.

You can share in the heritage of the Quel’Dorei, this is cultural and spans through ALL Dorei’s culture because of being a caste.

However, there’s two scenarios.

You went with Umbric unwittingly (so we can have pity for you) or you decided to change after learning how much of a threat you would become to your people’s very existence, which means you don’t really care about the heritage.


and there it is. so do siamese twins quit being human because their dna is unique ?

I am not making that argument.

If one of these siamese twins somehow had a non-human DNA, would they still be human?

That’s the real question.


since tissues all share dna, there can be any number of dna mutations and still be considered human. people with residual spinal tails, are still human, despite sharing features from the animal kingdom

Are you a biologist?

Because I know a Donkey’s DNA is a Donkey’s DNA. A Human’s DNA is not a Fish’s DNA.

Etc. etc. I only did one college level Biology class so… I get mutations, evolution, etc. Neanderthals are “human” but not the same race as us, but we interbred with them etc.

The problem is, the world of Azeroth has something we don’t, magic.


my helf parents didnt interbred with void creatures so i am a helf with mutations.

Y’all need to figure out the difference between race and species. IRL, humans comprise several races, but only one species.

There are several races of elves, but there is one elven species.


Listen, Lightspeed.

If you can show me how Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei, you will sell me on how they are also Ren’Dorei.

Until then, any argument you pose must mete that measure because it is the same circumstances.


No, race is made up biological speaking. There is one human race.

hes trying to claim that a velf whos parents were helfs, is not a helf because of mutations.

i changed my mog to high elf pride mog.

Magical Transformation, like the Shal’Dorei did and even Quel/Sin’Dorei. My logic and reasoning holds up to all those transformations.

Yours does not.


Void Elves do share the history and culture, go with it!


and also blood

Depends on how you define race.

Again, if you make it a biological species, a valid qualification, all the elves are the same race because it’s one generation that could hypothetically interbreed. Though we don’t have much information on whether that’s possible for the newer offshoots.

but we share the same ancestory as belfs, helf parents, the same history till we joined alliance, the same bone structure, all that the magic has changed is power source and range of skin colors…and potential for tentacle mutations