Can we finally get playable the high elves?

its not speculation. he said it live at blizzcon.

silvermoons more than likely gonna be the cross faction hub in midnight as well

since the setting of the expansion is in quel’thalas

Again… speculation.

Another take could be that perhaps there will be no more Alliance Blood Elves.


idk what you’re talking about. what are alliance blood elves.

you mean, i can create a blood elf on alliance since they’ll all be unified again?

You don’t know the Silver Covenant? Vareesa? and the few tribes who didn’t agree with siphoning magic from living creatures?

Yes, we are uniting again.

No, you cannot make an Alliance Blood Elf.

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you really are spiteful arent you lol

still mad we got the silver covenant allied with alliance

Mind reading much?

I have never had a problem with them.

If I were RPing, yes my Sin’Dorei would. They tried to commit genocide and this character in my canon was a citizen of Dalaran before assisting with bringing in the Sunreavers and re-joining his people.


I can’t wait to get my silvermoon spire apartment in midnight. and its gonna be remade in 2026 graphics? wow… what a treat

I dunno if it’s wise to take you serious Titanspite.

WoW housing, that’s a trip.


im not talking about literal housing. its a figure of speech

im gonna be in silvermoon fighting the void lords alongside you my brother

Whoa mon… Blood Elves havin’ a “High Region”. Dey mostly be all uptight an all, but dis be soundin’ interestin’ here. Mehbe dis be a “420” or “River Bud” kinda “High Region”?

Gonna be checkin’ dis out mon.

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Did you read the latest story ?


yep silvermoons turning neutral

Yah… Alleria was just able to stroll through like it was nothing…

Mmmhmm… again, dunn if it’s wise to take you serious.


turalyon can

his son arator as well

Yes, representatives of different factions and nations being emissaries, etc.

Not unusual for them to come and go at all especially on official business. This happens in our own world.

Arator is siding with his people, however a half-elf he is, under the Sin’Dorei banner.

All Thalassian elves were addicted to arcane magic because of the Sunwell. That includes the ones who still call themselves high elves. The revived Sunwell may or may not have cured that addiction, it’s unclear, but I’m sure we’ll find out in Midnight.

There were quests in BC involving high elves stealing Draenei relics to suck the mana out of them.

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The better option for playing a high elf is to just role a human and insist you’ve mastered your cosplay.


Night Elves are addicted to magic.

See Moonwells.


see you in midnight my brother under our umbrella the most high

cant wait to have silvermoon be the main hub for midnight.

Because they come from high elves?