Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Same cultural influences, same origin, same family, same people.

If you asked me to define race, anyway. I’ve always been more of a lumper than a splitter when it comes to taxonomy, even magic elf taxonomy.

“Same cultural influences, same origin, same family, same people.”

So a Human who is adopted by a Quel’Dorei/Shal’Dorei/Ren’Dorei/Sin’Dorei and raised by them is the same race?


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I mean, have you seen the data mining?

Heh. I suppose that’s a thing now.

Half-Elves are the same race as Quel’Dorei/Shal’Dorei/Ren’Dorei/Sin’Dorei ?


You are different.

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Thanks. So what do YOU mean by race?

I was being a bit glib – I suppose if I was being strict, I might include blood line (hence origin) instead of adoption, but on the other hand, if you had a human who was culturally an elf and largely functioned as an elf in the setting, I might genuinely be inclined to include them with the elves.

its not enough that hes a helf and knows many thousands of alliance players want playable helfs (though playable half elfs would suffice for me), he wants to rub our noses in the corruption, so we are dissatisfied and demoralized. not sure why

There’s no demoralizing me; I’ve been to Philadelphia.

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Well if we’re being broad, all Elves are actually Trolls.

BUT I would mark a deviation of huge influence to be a marker of a new race in the world of Azeroth. (Dark Irons because the the Fire Lord, Curse of Flesh, etc.)

So you have the first being the Kal’Dorei, then those who left and established the Sunwell changing them to Quel’Dorei (not the caste) and those who remained with the Nightwell to Shal’Dorei, and now we have another huge magical infusion the Ren’Dorei.

You could say they are all racially Dorei/Elves yah know (the children) in a big umbrella if you like but even they recognize themselves differnetly as Darnassian, Thallassian, and Shalassian by tongue. Eventually over time, I’m sure Renassian will be a thing at some point in time.

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Since it’s looking very likely that Silvermoon will be the neutral city hub in Midnight and that Alliance elves are allowed to live in the city. There’s nothing left at all to distinguish between high and blood elves. They are one and the same. Reintegrating back into a single nation.

Except the void elves, they are stinky and not allowed in Silvermoon, but that will 100% change by Midnight so doesn’t matter.

I am just being frank, I’m sorry they did not go with the classic human-elf relations or LOTR elf mystique.

I mean the Night Elves were originally a re-imagining of the classic Dark Elves.


So are you defining it by magical influences then?

Fair enough. Not my preference because, as noted, then you wind up excluding death knights and demon hunters from their parent race as well as any individual very influenced by magic – say a wretched or felblood, but it’s a fine way to define it.

And that’s why I wanted to know where you were coming from at the outset!

I actually think this may be the kick off to restart the faction wars.

We’re all speculating at this point though.


Pft, I’m going to get my dwarf boots all over Murder Row. It’s mine now. I stepped on it.

God I hope not.

A faction war to defend the void elves sounds awful.

Not entirely, huge changes that would be carried to children.

DHs for instance I assume would have normal babies. I do not distinguish them as a separate race, they are just Undead versions of their race. Undead are not having babies.

Wretched and Withered are distinguished by lore as different states, like Worgen.

(EDIT: If someone can show me a logical argument for why Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei then I would concede my view or at least be open to it.)

One can only hope because the forced neutrality stuff in a game built on war and opposite factions has been pretty blah.


That’s why I wanted your definition.

Thank you.

Of course if we’re going off different definitions, we’re going to come to different conclusions.

Neither of us are wrong, but if we’re choosing to delineate the catagories different, we’ll talk right past each other.

And going by your definition, Alliance has had blood elves since whenever Valeera started hanging out with us, so there. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s what I have been saying… since TBC. Back when my druid was a Tauren.

EDIT: It’s been these “High Elf” folks who can’t just speak plainly and say: “I want to play a Blood Elf called a High Elf on Alliance.”

I am actually not against that. I played EQ. I just have had it with folks saying my character is not a High Elf.

Eh. By my definition, the short elves are more or less one race. They have subcategories depending on what they call themselves, but there’s certainly been options for making it work on both sides since whenever they added the blue eyes.

Some people get cranky, but I rather enjoy having more customization tools for building my characters.

Though full disclosure, I don’t actually have any classic look high elves on either side. I might change that after Pandemonium… unless I have another idea.

your character was a high elf. but your people abandoned that and are now blood elves.

just like void elves abandoned being a blood elf and also abandoned being a high elf prior