Can we finally get playable the high elves?

precisely. all cosmic forces are tools. some are more dangerous to the wielder than others, but provided the tool wielder is careful and focused on using it for good, presumably it can intersect with the light, but if used irresponsibly, such as succumbing to the madness of the void, then the real trouble begins. anduin was taking a big risk by embracing void elves

Yes, but we’re talking about the Naaru specifically here. There’s no “Duality” they either are beings of light, or they fall into the Void. And from what we’ve seen they have no tolerance for the Void and are quick to purge or purify those they find meddling with it.

So from a meta perspective you’re correct, but in game the void is seen as a hostile force that threatens all life, especially by the Naaru.

the naaru are zealous about the light to the point other lifeforms dont matter, just the light, which is the equivalent of succumbing to the madness of the void. any time the tool is more important than the wielder, as without the wielder, the tool is useless

I’m not discussing if they’re zealous or not, I’m responding to Maleficenxia who suggested the the Naaru have a “duality” as if to possess both the dark and the light, but the Naaru, like you said, are zealous followers of the light and would never abide the Void. It would go against their very nature.

Okay? You sure told me, I guess?


Here’s how you play High Elves.

You log into WoW, you click create a character. You click on Blood Elves, and select the blue eye option. Super simple, you’re welcome.



well when they near death they go void

That isn’t duality in the sense he was referring to. If a Naaru falls, they become a Void lord which is not some neutral entity, but a conscious evil.


drops mic

Night elves are considered Low elves. Though we could also argue that the Nightborne are also Low elves, their society and culture considers themselves to be High elves before their fall from Grace.

maybe they are ALL High Elves. but the moment the players get their hands on them they become “lesser elves” *actually, just normal elves :dracthyr_a1:

thats the part that seems to be subjective, going purely on the current approach to cosmic powers. ii agree with the older approach that there is clear good and evil in cosmic forces but not at the expense of the wielder - et. al, following it to the point it becomes more important than the wielder of it. case in point, illidan

she was gonna force it on him.

The Void itself is not evil, it’s how it’s used, but the Void itself does corrupt its host regardless just due to it’s volatile nature. Alone, it will still corrupt the body, and cause some of the things we’ve seen occur to Void elves.

But a Naaru turning into a Void lord isn’t the same as the nebulous nature, a void lord is a conscious evil corrupted by the void. Which is why when M’uru fell he didn’t pause for a moment to contemplate his situation, he just immediately attacked.

And again, we’re not talking about whether or not Naaru can be zealous, we’re simply referring to that Naaru do not abide the Void and Light together, so they are not “dual” creatures in the sense that was implied. Naaru are beings of light, they will never abide beings of the void as they perceive them as evil creatures.

And not all Naaru as zealous as X’era, many are far more rational and understanding as it’s not like A’dal is sending us to search and destroy all Void elves, but even so we know from the sermon that A’dal teaches their disciples to reject all darkness, and find unison in the light.

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The void is the same as all the other greater forces of the cosmos; not inherently evil but just like all the others incredibly dangerous when it becomes too dominant.

blood elves are called blood elves, they are not high elves.

“Alliance shouldn’t get high elves because there are no high elves/blood elves are high elves/too many elves/faction silhouettes.”

“Void elves that are literally purple blood elves? That’s fine. They dont even need to be purple? That’s fine too.”

I think some of you need genuine help. There is no argument against high elves that is already refuted by the presence of void elves. Quit twisting yourselves into pretzels and accept this isn’t a hill worth dying on.

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Void elves are the argument against high elves.
Because void elves offer everything that a high elf does.
Adding a second version to the alliance and third to the game would be insanely redundant.

There is no customisation or anything that belongs on a high elf and not a blood or void elf.

The players gain nothing.


That is not true. We will get a lot fo things, high elves are most requested race in WoW history and will remain as such until playable, such as silver covenant high elves.

Like dwarfs?


Youll gain a name plate.
Thats it.

Do high elves have something like skin made of stone? Hair made of metal? Gems sticking out of them?
No they dont.

High elves have nothing at all that makes them different


Dwarves, gnomes, night elves, Tauren, blood elves, and trolls are all duplicated in some way shape or form.