Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Genetically speaking not at all. They’re just a fringe group of edge lords who wouldn’t stand united with their kin for the weakest reasons imaginable.


Already playable. You can be a high elf that stayed loyal to their leader and are members of the horde, or you can play high elves that dabbled with some void


I hope Blizzard goes into this in Midnight! I mean, if that person was your brother, wife, or child, would you just chop them out of your life forever?

If your emotional little sister fell for Umbric and did not really consider what the consequences of following him might entail- would you just write her off for the rest of her life? ( and Elves have very long lives)

Blizzard could farm some good story telling there.

i want to describe why theres any push back on void corrupted elves:

when alliance players asked for playable helfs, back in vanilla days, they were thinking beleaguered, beautiful, noble, super mage, alliance elfs. when belfs launched as corrupt fel addicts, during a time when fel users were enemy #1, this was a huge sour note. corrupt elfs? no way!! in league with the burning legion?!! say what? torturing a naaru to boot. it was so controversial and unthinkable on nearly every level and to top it off, they went horde. the bottom fell out of the game and dumped millions of alliance helf fans out.

the cry went up. why not actual helfs? why these corrupt a wish elfs? and belf players were bombarded with accusations of being corrupted dumb blondes, who were simultaneously stupid and diabolically devious, at the same time enter stage left: Void elfs. the void is an even bigger enemy than the burning legion. this was corrupt a wish elfs on steroids.


See, you can still make them look like high elves tho. They did that so they didn’t have to add another blood elf reskin.


its the equivalent of fel elfs, which considering how edgy the game has gotten, would fit right in, but for helf fans, its not the same. i’m happy with the customizations but i still get yelled at for being weird by the priests in the sw cath and asked to exit, while playing my holy priest. dks dont get fruit thrown at them each time they ride by cath. in fact, i bet cath priests dont insult them and ask them to exit. same for dh and locks. all these traditionally dark and edgy races/classes, no prob. but Velf, holy priests no less…nope

So basically people were sad cause belfs weren’t Legolas? That it?

This is why I can’t stand it when people try to make WoW into Lord of the Rings. One of the reasons. Nooo, Elf can’t be friends with orc, Aragorn is sad.

And Belfs were never corrupted, they used demon crystals , you want corrupted elves there are some, we even have models in game. But belfs were never corrupted, they used the fel crystals to survive, so might want to get your fact straight there, Galadriel.


well considering thrall is the hero of the whole thing, and you know he is, and i’m okay with that, and considering making a good alignment dnd style race is not and never has been a thing in wow, whatever the case, it would actually be a shock to see a traditional version of anything.

they destroyed kael’thas. he went from being a brave and long suffering, wise elf, to a total failure who is only marginally redeemed in shadowlands, as he was depicted as consumed with vengeance. what garithos didnt manage to do before illidan stopped him, the devs did do

It would be a huge retcon to the Naaru if that were the case, where even the prime Naaru A’dal basically tells everyone to shun all forms of darkness, essentially summarizing them as the route of all evil.

It has been made known to me that inside each of us, the Light resides... ...that it is a gift, given freely to all naturally born beings. It manifests itself as a feeling, small at first and easily ignored, that confirms truths and subtly prods one to do good. Simple kindnesses, charitable deeds, service to those in need. These are all fruits of the Light. It rewards those who heed its promptings with blessings, both seen and unseen. Personal reservoirs of hope and faith are strengthened, and one's capacity for greater good increases. Over the course of time, through obedience to the Light's guidance, one becomes more sensitive to its voice, and its power. Great is the healing and blessing power of the Light's most diligent followers. Sadly, there are those who wander through mortality in defiance of the Light. From these the Light withdraws, until only darkness remains. Where there is no light, despair, loathing and rage thrive. We are born into a perilous age, where the forces of darkness are determined to bring about our destruction. These are the times to find yourselves in unison with the Light. Hear my words, and let the Light inside of you confirm the truth of them. Embrace the light that is in you, my friends! Deny yourself all darkness... We must endure these trying times faithfully, and one day we will find ourselves victorious. By the naaru, may it be so.

It would be strange for them to suddenly reverse this rhetoric and be like “Actually guys, both are good now.”

I’m not sure if the Void elves will be let near the Sunwell even if their intentions were good, Rommath would simply not allow it, and after Lor’themar witnessed what happened when Alleria visited I’m even more doubtful.

I think the Void elves will protect the Sunwell, but in their own way (by taking the fight to the void directly, likely with other like-minded High elves, maybe the Silver covenant) where as the blood elves and light-oriented high elves will likely be defending and protecting the Sunwell. We’ll probably even see Auric Sunchaser again, considering he was a huge proponent for the High elves and Blood elves to unite together and protect the Sunwell in Wrath.

Plus at the very start of the Alpha we literally see the blood elves and high elves fighting together against the Nerubians without a single void elf in sight, which is just another reason why I believe the Void elves will be off doing their own thing while the Blood elves and High elves coordinate together to defend the Sunwell.

Astromancer Darnarian is a blue eyed elf scryer (most likely a high elf who joined the Blood elves among the Scryers in Shat since no blood elves had blue eyes in TBC) but yeah, they’ve been around since their introduction.

I made this argument quite often regarding Blood elves and High elves and everyone was like “nope, they hate each other and that’s that” despite the fact that blood elves and high elves would have many shared family members and friends that likely wouldn’t just immediately write each other off and abandon one another, so it’s funny to hear this argument being made for the Void elves lol

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FALSE. high elves are not yet playable, but possibly in the mid night expansions we will get them playable, such as silver covenant high elves.

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That’s like saying humans aren’t playable cause you can’t play Defias humans.


They are. They are called blood elves now. Genetically exactly the same thing.


blood elves are not high elves. like void elves arent them too.

everyone keeps asking for High Elves but no one asks for LOW Elves.
cant we just say BYE Elves?

in any case, you can ask for things all you want, but what exactly does it mechanically bring to the game play table?

what racial differences does it get?
what perks?
what makes it any different from other Elf iterations outside of maybe a few voice lines, a dance and a slightly different color variation?

Same race. Same genetics. Just not traitors to their leader like the alliance holdouts.


We’re finally getting HElves in TWW. Human Elves, one of the most wanted races since the dawn of WoW.

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this actually happened in shadowlands. the cosmic forces are all depicted as equally good and its just how they are applied that determines if it truly dark. example: death knights, who are masters of necromancy, use their power to destroy dark forces and raise the dead in a mirror image of paladins, just edgier and with less sparkle.

Blizzard needs to stop making “new” Elves and give Fans what they wanted since Beta.



Says the one playing the Inferior Orc race.


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The story implied it, not the Naaru themselves. And even then, it’s not saying the void isn’t bad, merely that it’s being used as a tool to fight against the overall void. Just like the fel is corruptive magic even if it can be used for good.

The Naaru imply that without light only despair, loathing and rage thrive. Going on to state “Embrace the light that is in you my friends! Deny yourself all darkness…” so it’s pretty clear that the Naaru do not look kindly upon the Void. Even X’era, another prime Naaru imprisoned Alleria in the Xenedar, and was about to execute her after she refused to relinquish the power of the void and return to the light. If Turalyon hadn’t intervened Alleria would have been executed by the Naaru.

Says a corrupted Void elf! By the light of the Sunwell be purged! :laughing: