Can we finally get playable the high elves?

We’re at the point where I have no idea what the High Elf fans actually want anymore, and I count most of their demands as just trolling.

You got your High Elf customization for Void Elves. There it is, it’s right there.


8 years of it is a bit much! lol

They’re already in the game
Belf and Velf


a sizeable portion of wow helf players are rp’ers. their holy priests cant go in or near the sw cathedral,without being asked to leave because of their unique proclivities. and they say it in such a way as you just know the devs considered giving them the rotten fruit throwing treatment just to punctuate the insult. this suggests helfers are being forced to embrace the rebel without a cause position, as if we are scary and unsafe to the human population when its helfs who embraced humans to the point of having kids with them.

im not an rp’er but for immersiveness, like for me to believe im playing a helf, well it aint working

You can just change eye color of void elf/blood elf, then BOOM High Elf

Alliance can be High Elves using Void Elves.

Horde can be High Elves using Blood Elves.

No need for a third.


would a human priest ask a high elf priest to leave the cathedral? would a high elf turn blue during casting? would a high elf rip half their pony tail off and not bother to fix it? would a high elf go around displaying they are not a high elf?

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No complaints here tbh
The fun of the void elves is the void part.

With no void, youre just a generic elf. Zzzzz


yay for generic elf, since the belf model is the most epic race added to the game. i mean if the devs werent afraid of beauty, they couldve added an even more epic race, but i guess beauty aint popular atm

void and blood elves are not high elves.

High Elves always get into shenanigans. Likely a precaution to prevent a vase from being knocked over.

If they were in tune with a Blueish Element.

Given Modern Hairstyles lately, people have done crazier things with their hair.

Blood Elves may call themselves Blood Elves but it’s just a name and they are still in fact High Elves.

Yes, they are.


It matters little, but I would submit that thanks to the changes inflicted by the void infusion, especially as shown by different colored blood, that biologically (genetically? not sure which is right) void elves are not high elves anymore

That’s not blood you are seeing, that’s jars of grape jelly Void Elves carry around.

mmmmm, precious jelly

They are not the same, but they have not lost their past. They are still high elves in that they were a forced change not a natural one over time.

It ends up being more semantic than truth despite the physical changes because of how it happened and how quickly.

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aye but they want to be called blood elves and have all the trappings of high elf society. the only way an alliance high elf is identifiable is their name, their relationship with humans and their tendency to not change colors of anything other than eyes. and well look at that, humans dont like us, we randomly turn blue and we go around calling ourselfs something we arent supposed to be. belfs are supposed to be helfs but helfs arent supposed to be helfs…cause alliance are the people of the tentacle. forget children of the sun and other elfy stuff

“trappings of high elf society” lolwut?

Political affiliation is all it really boils down to.


True, but I do view it similarly to the dark side as it’s not really the past that’s in question. Once you’ve started down the path, forever will it dominate your destiny stuff. The void is not their friend nor ally. It is cosmic hunger that seeks only to consume. And presumably, now that it’s in their DNA I’ve had to wonder various other things. Can void elves reproduce normally, or are they like forsaken now, only able to create more by forcing their condition upon others? If they can give birth, will successive generations gradually intensify the voids manifestations, basically moving them towards being someting like faceless ones?

Interesting curiosities for sure. Yet things that I think would be very important to know before anyone would want to willingly go through the process

oh just great. ask to be an epic elf, get turned into a tentacle monster. why dont i just go step on my own toe

I still maintain that the political part is where a lot of the interest comes from. Actual stories of brother vs brother, families and friends split by war. We’ve had very few instances of stories like that that I can think of outside the pair of death knights
in one of the plageulands. Certainly more interesting than neutral races that have little to no reason to be hostile to another member of their race just because one is team red and one is team blue. But I can only speak for myself

Obviously void elves can still enable these types of stories, but with the way the story is going, I still can’t quite figure out why the void elves even care much at all about their former homeland at this point. There aren’t enough of them to populate it, so would they intend to forcibly convert all blood elves into void elves if they got control?