Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Fair call.

Its a interesting example of creative freedom not being received very well.

Sometimes you get majors hit, sometimes you just lose out.

So, what do we thinks going to happen now thatā€¦ you knowā€¦ alpha stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

All them poor dead High Elvesā€¦who woulda thought theyā€™d die like that.

I think its more likely that whats left will join the Renā€™dorei.

Honestly shocked Blizz did that.


It would be a good time to establish the alliance thalassian elves as one unified group under the void elf banner.
But yeah, i dont think anyone saw that news coming


But, but ā€¦the silver covenant banners in dalaran!

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Not sure thats there anymore

I agree. It would be neat to see the Highvale come and join up too.

Doesnā€™t really mean theyā€™re gone though. But this will be a big hit to them.

We donā€™t know enough right now to say whats up anyways. For all we know they all got out mostly.


With the suggestion of what happened with Khadgar I suspect he may have teleported most to a relative safe place in the ensuingā€¦ chaos allowing for most to survive. (people of Dalaran I mean).

Did you guys see Alleriaā€™s new model!!! Iā€™m SCREAMING AND SCREECHING I NEED HER HAIR AND MAKEUP ON MY VOID ELF!!!



Yeah right. They are a different thing my rear. What pains were those? Cause the only pain was seeing the helfs turned from being Alliance arm candy to anti belf story device. Where they came out hating the belfs so much that they were ready to kill them all forā€¦ no reason at all other than what? To show human sugar daddy how Alliance they were?

The Alliance high elves never existed in World of Warcraft. Itā€™s just that Tolkien-esque fantasy that some people act as if it was a bigger deal than it actually is. The blood elves have been a thing for 2 decades and they developed over 2 decades. What did your high elves do? Come up to the belfs and acted all angry and murderous? Thatā€™s the extent of your helf development.

Canā€™t you people just let it go once and for all? No need to ruin two races just because guys like you canā€™t deal with the fact that when you hover over the avatar it does not say ā€œhighā€.


Watching footage, it seems Silver Covenant and Dalaran High Elves are the main survivors.

I counted like 3 NPCs that might be Sunreaversā€¦


why? We really do not need merging high elves and void elves, friendship? Yes. But playable high elves are welcomed.


High elves are all dead in Dalaran.
Less options now.

And you have High Elves.

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Are you high, elves?

Good thing playable high elves are already possible on horde and alliance.

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And they are on the Horde side where you are also welcomed.

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Literally not accurate. We can see survivors already.

We see the Silver Covenant is still active plus we know they have bases still in Northrend and plausibly still on Pandaria.

Since we donā€™t see any wreckage aside from the main tower itā€™s also possible the city itself escapedā€¦ Though that one I do doubt.

I do think the SC and Renā€™dorei operating closer now though is much more likely.


Wouldnā€™t they be low elves now since they fell from the sky? Flat elves maybe?