Can we finally get playable the high elves?

They aren’t as populous as you are suggesting, what is your basis?


silver covenant faction?

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There are like. Two High Elves on the Horde. And I think I might be counting that random pirate in Ratchet among them with that two.

While I do think VElves pretty much precludes HElves (likewise, the undead elf skin precluding san’lyn), any population argument pretty much went out the window with the introduction of VElves.

No matter how many HElves there are, there’s at least more of them than their are VElves given one of them actually has factions we interacted with before their introduction

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The arguement with Velves is that they are an ongoing story element with plans for the future, so their population could very well increase in time.

Unlike high elves.


Small group. An army at best, and likely a small one at that.

High elves, and their characterization must be left behind.

Not continued with the blood elves. Simply phased out. Blood elves need to be their own unique thing.


Blizzard very definitely doesn’t. Its not stated anywhere and its contrary to the Blood Elves. They specifically kicked out the magisters researching the void in a way that they believed was dangerous. They didn’t kick out their shadow priest, warlocks and rogues.

Thats ridiculous. Umbric and his crew were playing with a much deeper use of the Void than your average user.


All the Blood Elves are high elves. >.>

runs from the arguments I’ve just willingly opened back up.

If we’re being honest, Blizzard has never cared about population anyway. It’s only ever brought up to give a sense of scale to tragedy and then has no significant bearing on the story whatsoever.


It’s not stated anywhere that it’s not though.

  • As I said, the imply made by Rommath’s statement gives it grounds for depicting otherwise.
  • Also as mentioned, Rommath merely said anyone who so much as treats with the void — is a danger to the Sunwell. He didn’t say: “Oh except Shadowpriests, warlocks and other void users who aren’t associated with Umbric - K?”

And as for “contrary to the Blood Elves” – Yeah, kicking out ‘Umbric & friends’ was too, given the Blood Elves have had those amongst their kind who literally plundered into the research of the nether, fel and other assortments of volatile magics in the past but suddenly void is ‘taboo’ ?? … There was a tidal wave of flooding threads by raging Blood Elf fans about it when the void-elf recruitment scenario was launched.

Not really.
Umbric was just a basic elven mage, merely researching the void & wanted to dedicate research into it … One could argue a warlock or even moreso especially - a shadow-priest — are much more well-versed into the void already than the simplicity of merely studying the void in general across the board. :joy: Like cmon man.

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Your misunderstanding what Umbric and his people were doing.

Which is fair since Blizzard is bad at this. Rommath was upset at his study because it was dangerous and much more than just using void. Otherwise they would have removed all their warlocks and shadow priests and rogues. They only kicked out Umbric’s group. Blizzard wasn’t saying the Blood Elves don’t use shadow or have shadow priests. They were saying Umbrics brand and use of it far exceeds what would be considered safe.


Yes but like I said, the imply & precedent behind the reason, was because of the threat posed to the Sunwell.

Rommath still stated any who treat with it are a threat. Last I checked, shadowpriests do more than merely ‘treat’ with the void & thus would fall into that ‘threat’ category.

However as you said – Blizzard aren’t the best at weaving the story (That’s why we got Chronicles to fix a lot of it, until Shadowlands F’d it all up again).

  • I’d honestly just love for Blizzard to address it more with depth & how the ‘void users’ of their kin fit into their culture with that whole schism, ordeal & overall outcome that unfolded, along with the fallout effect it may have had thereafter.
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it is not small. We have them in Northrend, Dalanar, Mists of Pandaria, elsewhere too.

Banana’s are berries … :slight_smile:

There are no “natural biological differences”. They are genetically the same.


Yes there are differences : skin, voice tone, factions.

There’s a reason Warlocks are in Murder Row.

Just as you say “cite your proof.”

Shadow Priests are frowned upon or disdained across a lot of Azeroth’s cultures. (Even the Zandalari!)

As I said, given the culture, worship, and general attitude towards Void, it is more likely and probably remains, a banned practice.


Left for a week and the thread is still going. WTH.

All their differences are political so I fully agree here.

The Blood Elves have been playable since 2007, yes, not the High Elves.

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Yes, blood elves. we want playable high elves, like silver covenant high elves.

Tell that to Blizzard who are just about to add a third dwarven race to the game.

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