Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This does not say there are no shadow priests among the blood elves.

That’s silly.

They’re saying they don’t let people study the Void to the level and use Umbric and his followers were.

Also as a point towards whether your average void elf causes a reaction to the Sunwell we don’t actually know that.

We know that Alleria, who consumed a darkened Naaru, causes a reaction. It may in fact be the naaru reacting to the presence of a naaru.

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To be clear, I am open to what changes Blizzard makes.

I’m just going with the direction and story content they have now.

I live in a real world that’s gray and know only these things remain true ever: life, death, and change.

Indeed lol it goes places.

All over elves…


No. Rommath actively opposed the study of the Void period. Much like the Human Kingdoms. It’s important you see that the Light/Void dictomy is tied to faith. The Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei are Light/Sun worshippers.

“We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.”

This means they’d be exiled for studying the Void.

“A path long denied to us is open at last.”

I have no idea how to make this clearer.

They were not allowed to. These quotes are from those pilgrims in Telogrus Rift (Sin/Quel’Dorei).

You may see Void as “neutral” and “power,” a lot of the people of Azeroth see it as Evil.

I cant sleep so i came back and caught up with the thread.

I did not realise you were rping a blood elf loyalist in this thread. Probably my bad for missing it earlier. Your opinions make much more sense now.

(Why do so many elf fans rp in these threads. I dont get it)

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My passions are not to be underestimated!!

You mean… your interpretation of it? While ignoring the parts that contradict it?

You need to start to realize that your interpretation of these relatively vague parts of the game is not necessarily reflective of what blizz actually means or intends, much less the theories you create using your interpretation.

Grand Magister Rommath: “This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. ANYONE who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!”

:point_up: Providing the imply that anyone who merely treats with the void, not just study or devotion to such – is to be exiled & cast out of Sin’dorei society :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

  • Shadow priests & others who dabble in the void (eg. some warlocks too) would be no exception, unless it’s addressed in lore to some merit (which would be nice).

They kind of goosed the lore between BFA and Shadowlands, it’s especially annoying for the RP community.

Rommath’s statement more or less implied the void in general, poses a threat to the Sunwell — or at the very least, to their high-hierarchies perspectives that is.


I lightly RP, more tongue in cheek.

It makes it fun with the same repeating arguments.


I’d like to know what you actively think I mean?

Are you aware the whole Sin’Dorei reclaiming the name Quel’Dorei is a tongue in cheek retort to those who actively oppose the Sin’Dorei are the same race they already are? It’s a bit of schadenfreude. In person, you’d have heard a sarcastic tone.

I feel ya on the repetitive arguments.
We even go around in circles amongst ourselves as here we are arguing about void vs blood elves, when this thread is about high elves.
And i dont think youll find much disagreement between the two when it comes to them.
If you want a normal high elf, thats a blood elf.
If you want an edgy void high elf, thats a void elf.
If you want a normal high elf thats on the alliance… sorry, thats not an option nor should it be.


I respect the commitment to the bit. I admit, it was hard to infer the sarcasm.

Good. Hijack the thread and make it about stuff that actually matters.

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I thought we already have Normal High Elves on the Alliance?

You could start by not reading it like gospel.

They’re not saying anywhere in there they don’t have shadow priests. Rommath was opposed to Umbric’s study of the Void which was far deeper than just mere use of shadow magics.

Mostly it’s fun.

I… Don’t though I may occasionally for a joke.

But I get it.

Plus a lot of the time it doesn’t have to be too far off from “the truth” of one’s views depending on the lore in question.

No where in here does it say there are no shadow priest among the blood elves.

Rommath notably didn’t get his way when he originally suggested execution or when he suggested they throw out all of them.

He only succeeded in getting Umbric’s group exiled for their deeper study and attempt to use the Void.

Blizzard ain’t going to agree with you all here. The notion there are no shadow priest blood elves is a player made headcanon.

To his perspective.

Not anyone else’s.

Yes, but not playable such as silver covenant high elves or any other high elf across the worlds.

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As stated, it was the imply made by Rommath – That anyone who so much as treats with the void is a danger to the Sunwell. That doctrine alone, made from that one singular-line poses a schism in the RP community.

Personally? … I hope Blizzard DON’T agree with it.
However it’d be nice for them to address it in lore, solidifying such or providing more context.

It was nonetheless enforced & Lor’themar backed up the decision.
:person_shrugging: Take that as you will.

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we need high elves for the alliance and san’layn for horde. That would actually be best option. Maybe third race for all elven races would be cool too.


Your suggestion is not the best option and the High elven race is represented strongly on the horde.

We went over many lore reasons and population arguements, its done and dusted and the cheese was void elves.

And the void elves came from blood elves cause they the ones making pure elven babies.

Not the alliance elves clinging to the alliance hoping they will return them to glory.

The only glory the alliance sees in them at this point is their backsides.

Hence the half elves who are criminally under represented.


high elves are not in horde. They are in alliance, such as silver covenant high elves.


But their continuation that is the survival and progression of the race is on horde, not alliance.

So they are represented and you can even choose their blue eye coloring.

High elves have been a dead end for the species for a long time and that fact that blood elves are getting blue eyed option probably insinuates that they or some are rejoining their homeland.


high elves are pretty much alive and rocking. WHole alliance full of them, and all warcraft worlds.